EQC member George Kinney stopped by my corner office at GBM this morning and asked me if I knew what was going on with the concrete truck on Bridge Square.…
Locally Grown (LoGro) Northfield Posts
The 2013 Vintage Band Festival begins tomorrow and runs through the weekend. Paul Niemisto has done it again. Rob Hardy has a blog post on Northfield.org titled Northfeld in the…
Armstrong Road between Northfield and Dundas is still closed from the July 13 flooding (Flooding wipes out Mill Towns Trail bridge, slices Armstrong Road, undermines railroad bed) and it could…
Northfield’s acquisition of the Fargaze Meadows subdivision for a future park comes with an eyesore: a huge mound of dirt. In the May 28 Fbo Daily News: Northfield gains 40…
Another (100-year?) rainfall ‘event’ has brought me out of my blogging hiatus. I took these photos early this afternoon on Armstrong Road near the Northfield compost facility where…
I blogged about the SEEDS Project (Social Entrepreneurship Environmental Design and Stewardship) back in July of 2010 so I was glad to get an update about it a couple weeks…
I’ve been using kettlebells ever since Gretchen Falck opened her Forza! studio here in Northfield back in 2008. And my wife Robbie has been a regular at her classes for…