The Friday Memo, written by Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski and many of the department directors, managers, and supervisors, summarizes many of the staff activities for the week. Although it’s directed to the mayor and city council, it’s helpful for citizens to see what’s going, too. Lots of info last week about graffiti, biking, Safe Routes to School, and more.
The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of Joel Walinski’s web page. See the Friday memo for this past week and then comment or ask questions about it here.
Color me frustrated… with the Liquor store. Again.
If you look in the memo, you will see that Summit Brewing was releasing their new Horizon Red Ale. This was all over the media, and a really big deal.
I read the memo, and was really looking forward to a cold one with dinner tonight.
Would it REALLY have been too much to ask to have the liquor store have a couple of six packs in the cooler the day this new variety debuted? I know space is tight, but even if it was only a case of four.
Great customer service would have been thinking ahead, and anticipating customer need on newly released items.
I am frustrated. I walked out without purchasing, after letting the staff know that I was annoyed.
(I know this is not a huge deal, but it just annoys me.)
Thanks for the vent. Perhaps someone will see this and discuss improvements.
I went in again last night, and they had it cold.