Help Ross and Tracy Do Their Jobs


In case you missed all the excitement as retailed by Ross in an earlier post, you have another chance.

On Tuesday, May 15, the City is holding another open meeting for the public to tell city planners what they think about the future growth of Northfield. This is a followup to the “Blood Sport 2021” meeting held at the Armory on April 3.

The May 15 meeting will start with a brief presentation outlining what was learned at the April meeting. (The full report is available for download on Participants will then have the opportunity to review and discuss draft development principles, which will become part of our Comprehensive Plan and be codified into our new development ordinances.

Genenerally, we choose not to post event notices here on Locally Grown, but since both Ross and I are Planning Commissioners we outnumbered Griff on this one.

One Comment

  1. Ross Currier said:


    Thanks for posting it. Now anyone interested in reading it can have their own copy.


    P. S. Of course, you and I (and the rest of the Planning Commission) have had an e-mailed copy since Monday afternoon, and now folks will be expecting us to have already read it and be prepared to respond to their questions and comments…

    May 2, 2007

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