Spring tune-up for Bridge Square


  1. I love it to, it is very calming. 🙂

    May 21, 2009
  2. Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon! Popcorn Wagon!

    I do so love the popcorn wagon! I do. I do. I do!

    Here’s why I like it:

    It has all the conventional aspects of being a large red wagon, except it’s filled with popcorn!

    That’s right:
    A Wagon Of Popcorn!

    I think I shall write a play about the popcorn wagon…

    Title to be determined, though I think “Popcorn Wagon!” might work.

    Begin plot suggestions now!

    May 21, 2009
  3. Bright Spencer said:

    If you see a popcorn lady or gent, give them an extra big smile!

    May 21, 2009
  4. Brendon: One plot suggestion. Lady popcorn wagon “kernels” (that is their designation) tackle, pin down and wash mouths out with soap of kids who think it funny to throw soap into the nearby Bridge Square fountain each year and cause bubbles that cost much money and inconvenience to remove.

    May 21, 2009
  5. Nice, Susan! Oh the irony is thick in that scenario. Thank you.

    May 22, 2009

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