Podcast: Neil Lutsky on the Mill Towns Trail


Friends of Mill Towns Trail Board Member and Carleton Psychology Professor Neil Lutsky was our guest this week, discussing the latest trail developments and controversies.

Neil’s also been active here on our blog the past week, responding to my May 1 Begging for information on the Milltowns Trail post, where the comments now number 36 and counting. So I’ve turned off the comment feature for this blog post and encourage you to add your comments there.

Reminder: there’s a Friends of the Mill Towns Trail meeting Wednesday, May 9 at Dundas City Hall at 6:30 pm.

Click play to listen. 30 minutes.

Our show, Locally Grown, airs on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM, KRLX, 88.1 FM. You can also subscribe to the podcast feed, or subscribe with iTunes. We seek your comments and suggestions. Attach a comment to this blog post or use the Contact Us page to send us email. See the show archives for audio of other episodes.