Our guest this week was Northfield Economic Development Authority (EDA) President Rick Estenson, talking about… I’m actually not sure since I couldn’t be there and I’ve not yet listened to the show. My guess the topics were: business parks development and the proposals for Master Planning Services.
Click play to listen. 30 minutes.
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Good interview on northwest industrial park. (I got interrupted, will play it again.) Ross and Tracy bring up infrastructure cost, said to be in range of $15 million. They are reviewing 24 applications for what?
In light of that, we in Bridgewater wonder why the city would reach over our way to annex 475 acres for ANOTHER industrial park between Heath Creek and Spring Brook trout stream at this time. EDA expects formal request for annexation from the two landowners any day now.
Based on Tracy’s Tweet, it looks like Northfielders can get their first look at some of the Master Planning for the NW Business Park today:
“Off to work on the visioning charrette for the business park. Public invited to pinup session at 4-6pm, Community Nat’l Bank.”
It is important for the public to realize that there is a PUBLIC PORTION OF THIS DESIGN/PLANNING PROCESS FROM 4-6 PM, BOTH TODAY AND TOMORROW, at the south main bank building of the Community Resource Bank, in their downstairs meeting room.
In the initial structuring of the consultant’s planning process, as laid out to the EDA in a regular meeting, the consulting firm was clear about wanting the public input component.
However, it was not publicized by the City, the NFNews, etc., and even the Planning Commission, EQC, were not sent specific notice of the public portion of the session.
This is a major problem because if there is no public attendance, it will be said there is no public interest… if the public does not know of the input possibilities then they will react at a later date, and then it will be said that the ‘malcontents’ are complaining after the fact.
The ‘City’ must get it through their collective ‘head’ that there IS no ‘City’ without the citizens…