Dan Freeman again makes sure there will be fireworks and more this year for the 4th

Dan Freeman 4th of July poster
Dan Freeman has once again taken the lead on Northfield’s 4th of July festivities.  See the PDF poster for a schedule of all the fun. Note the new starting time for the Yankee Doodle kiddie parade: 12:00 pm in the EconoFoods parking lot.  And see the Nfld News article: Expect less pop on the Fourth of July.

See album of 100+ photos from last year, the large slideshow, or this small slideshow:

And if that’s not enough, see the albums from


  1. Bright Spencer said:

    Although we have enjoyed the fireworks very much over many years, I’d like to challenge the great genius pool of Northfield to create some clean way to replace polluting fireworks.
    No polluter is gonna take anyone seriously who calls for less polluting industry and then turns around and mucks up the sky with fireworks, and other toxic forms of polluting for pleasure.
    So, really, the 20% reduction in fireworks is a blessing in disguise.

    July 6, 2009

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