Red Ribbon Ride bikers pay a visit to downtown Northfield

Red Ribbon Ride bikersRed Ribbon Ride bikers The 2009 Red Ribbon Ride came through Northfield this morning and stopped for coffee and warmth at the HideAway Coffeehouse and Winebar.

redribbon-logoThis is a four day, nearly 300 mile bike ride that will start with an Opening Ceremony at 6:30am at the Mall of America East Rotunda on Thursday, July 16th, and end with a closing ceremony at the beautiful State Capitol in St. Paul, July 19th at 1:30pm.  Travel with hundreds of other Riders and Crew members through beautiful southern Minnesota. 

The dollars raised for this event benefit seven incredible Minnesota AIDS service organizations.  They are: African American AIDS Task Force, The Aliveness Project, Clare Housing, Hope House of St. Croix Valley, Minnesota AIDS Project, Park House, and Rural AIDS Action Network.

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