City Administrator Joel Walinkski’s Friday Memo of July 17

Joel-WalinskiThe Friday Memo, written by Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski and various department directors, managers, and supervisors, summarizes many of the staff activities for the week.

This week’s memo includes an overview of some of the steps the City is contemplating to address the anticipated budget shortfalls in 2010, note that a meeting will be held this week between City staff, legal counsel, Mendota Homes, and Highland Bank to determine a strategy for the Crossings project, and an update on Safe Routes to School.

The most interested part of this week’s memo, to me, was the detail about the public input process for the TH3/TH19 Modal Integration Study. It’s too detailed for me to quote here, so I encourage you to read it. Among other things, there’s an OPEN HOUSE THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 7P which hasn’t been well-publicized. As part of the study, the City is also taking its very first stab at having an online forum for public input which someone on City staff will actually manage personally. (There has been online input on other projects before, but it’s been implemented and managed by someone other than a staff person… like yours truly.) Read the details in the memo, it’s interesting. And there’s a project page on the City website.

fridaymemothumbThe Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of Joel Walinski’s web page. Friday’s memo and accompanying documents can be found on the memo page for the week.

NOTE: There is a City Council meeting tonight. You can view all City meetings here on the City calendar.


  1. David Ludescher said:

    Tracy: How do we comment on the Highways 19/3 project from the website?

    July 20, 2009

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