EDA member Steve Engler was pulled over yesterday morning in front of the First National Bank Northfield by Sheena Basness, Community Service Officer for the Northfield Police Department.
Steve was cited for violating several provisions of the new EDA dress code including (see enlarged photos with red arrows):
Left photo: Section 2b “pants no lower than 1 inch below waistline”; Section 4d “no wallet marks on back jean pockets”
Right photo: Section 7d “no writing utensils and papers in front shirt pockets”; Section 9f “belt buckles must be 50% or more smaller than Chip DeMann’s belt buckle.
Hey Griff!
Does Sheena get Locally Grown on that laptop? 😎
John, if anyone at the Police Department follows Locally Grown via city-owned computers, I’m sure they know how to cover their electronic tracks. 😉