Comment and Controversy: Proposed Ethanol Plant

There’s an open meeting Saturday, Nov. 4, 10 am to 2 pm at Little Prairie United Methodist Church regarding a proposed 300-acre ethanol plant on Co. Rd. 8. The meeting will include presentations on the cost and benefits of ethanol and biodiesel, as well as perspectives from agriculture, conservation and environmental groups.

Dundas Planning Commissioner Bruce Morlan posted about this issue and some of the questions it raises, along with a schedule of meetings related to the proposal. Technical glitches make it impossible to comment on his blog, but we can have comments here, so I encourage everyone to read Bruce’s post, attend tomorrow’s meeting, and start a discussion.


  1. Stephanie Henriksen said:

    Jason Hill (cost/benefit of corn ethanol and biodiesel) will be on Almanac tonight, Dec. 8. There is also something in Business Section of the Star Trib today, I hear.

    Stephanie Henriksen, farmer
    Bridgewater Township

    December 8, 2006
  2. Stephanie Henriksen said:

    Anybody listen to “Let’s Talk Ethanol” on KYMN 1080 last Saturday, 9-9:30 am? Dave Fellon of Progressive Rail had John Pauley of Prairie Restorations telling us how wonderful it would be to restore the land at the ethanol site in our township to native prairie. I called in to ask Pauley if he realized that the 200 acres he would restore would be inside a circular rail track for unit trains alongside the ethanol plant. There was a big silence. He said he was not familiar with the site and went on.

    Pauley did get a half hour of free air time to promote his business, not a bad deal. The radio show message is repeated in the Prairies to Power ad that runs the following Wednesday in NNews. So if you miss the show, just read the ad or vice versa.

    I think it high time the NNews prints the ABE diagram of the site with the balloon track so people can visualize it. Call the editor 645-1116.

    S. Henriksen

    February 15, 2007
  3. Don’t know if Northfield News ever got this draft layout published, but I suspect not (Northfield has been sort of busy).

    So, I put it at the end of my post, “Film at … 11?” (Bridgewater Township faces its future).

    August 3, 2007

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