Rare Pair to launch a new store called Studio Elements

IMG_0392The Rare Pair‘s Krin Finger and Jill Enestvedt were pictured and featured on the front page of the Strib Business section on Sunday in a story titled Keeping the goods flowing (not online until  Wed.) about the Minneapolis Mart, the wholesaler showroom. They

… plan to open a new ‘occasional store’ in November called Studio Elements, and spent Monday at the Minneapolis Mart getting ideas for the existing store and the new concept.

See the Nfld News story, Grezzo to move, new gallery opens, for more.

Not mentioned in either story is that Jill Enestvedt has a greeting card catalog web site by the same name, Studio Elements.

studio elements sshotEnjoy the art and design of one Minnesota artist through a unique selection of handmade greeting cards.  The six chapters of the catalog showcase the many elements that come together in my lively studio…sketching, sewing, painting, photography, crafts, and printing.


  1. Jill Enestvedt said:

    Thanks for the mention, Griff. We are very excited about the new venture. We’ll have a new website up soon, with all new art, cards, and info about the new store. Thanks! Jill

    August 17, 2009
  2. Adam Elg said:

    Please – say more. What’s an ‘occasional store’? I can’t wait to see it.

    August 19, 2009
  3. Arlen Malecha said:

    Adam –

    An occasional store is a store that is typically open only one weekend a month.

    My mother-in-law has an occasional store in Buffalo, MN. In fact there are several of them there. They have become a destination spot for occasional sales. The occasional sale stores in Buffalo are only open the first Thus – Sun of the month. The rest of the time the owners are out buying & gathering items to be sold in the store.

    You will find all kinds of neat antiques, refurbished and new items in an occasional store.

    August 19, 2009

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