Da Mayor of Dundas Does Digital

We have a winner. The first person to submit an audio comment via our new submit an audio comment gizmo is none other than Dundas Mayor Glenn Switzer. The prize? We’re working on it.

Click Glenn’s photo to get a better view of him modeling the new Dundas Historical Society t-shirt which says “Been Dare? Dundas!” Hizzoner says the shirts come in three colors and four sizes but he doesn’t say where to get them. (Glenn, leave a comment with details, puhlease!)

Glenn submitted a comment a week ago with his reaction to our Oct. 15 show/podcast on transportation. (I fumbled the e-ball because I neglected to subscribe to our Odeo Inbox’s RSS feed which would alert me to new submission. Duh. It’s not yet been remedied because the feed is evidently broken. Ack!)

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Click play to hear to Glenn’s comments (3 min 40 sec) on Rice County transportation issues. And if you have a written comment for Glenn, attach it. Or use our audio comment gizmo.


  1. Ross Currier said:

    Okay Glenn, you are truly cooler than me, you have an i-Pod and I don’t…and I’m still probably not getting the capitalization correct…but, hey, at least I know not to say “very unique”…but then again, I’m married to an elementary school teacher.

    Like Griff, I’ve love to get my hands on one of them Dundas T-Shirts. Hey colleagues, would we accept bribes to give Glenn air-time on our pod-cast soap-box?

    November 4, 2006
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    Ross, I’m all for trying to bribe a politician who’s up for re-election in a couple of days. Let’s see what he’s made of!

    November 4, 2006

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