Last spring, the Northfield City Council adopted a vision statement and four goals for 2009. (See pages 47-56 of the April 6 meeting packet.) Two documents (PDFs) are now available on the Council’s web page: 1) a one-page vision and goals statement; 2) an eight-page outline of the goals and related initiatives. This new Council has been in office for 9 months; it’s been 5 months since the goals were adopted. How are they doing? (continued)
This is the final draft of a process that began in early January when the Council first met to discuss improving communication and defining their process for decision making.
In January in a letter to Board and Commission Chairpersons, the Mayor requested Boards and Commissions to provide their input on their view of board and commission function, purpose, and initiatives for 2009. The items were then collected and distributed to all council members and senior staff.
The Council met on February 27, 2009 to initiate the formal discussion on their vision, value, and goal development. The discussion included information on the current state of the City, a discussion on values, and developing a vision statement.
The following week the Council and City Department Heads met to further define the gaps within the current reality, priority initiatives and where the council envisioned the City to be in five – ten – or future years.
As a follow-up to that meeting a draft document of goals and initiatives was developed and presented to the Council at the March 13, 2009 Council Meeting. Attachment No. 1 includes comments taken from that meeting and additional comments provided by councilors and staff from that time.
SUBMITTED BY: J. Walinski, City Administrator
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