Carleton’s Pressville blog launches

Pressville-sshot Doug McGill
Doug McGill, visiting instructor in English at Carleton, is teaching a "Journey in Journalism" class in the English department this term, similar to last year with its focus on Northfield-related stories.

The classroom is operating as a newsroom with 22 students covering stories of interest in Northfield and Rice County, as well as Carleton stories that resonate beyond the campus into local, state, national and global communities. We are publishing daily through the term so please come back often or add to your bookmarks and RSS feeds.

We’re now aggregating Pressville’s RSS feed on our lower left sidebar.

See Doug McGill’s About page as well as Carleton’s English Dept. faculty page.


  1. Rob Hardy said:

    Griff: Pressville is also aggregated in’s right sidebar. (You, however, seem currently to have a duplicate Northfield Nonmotorized feed under the Pressville heading.)

    October 8, 2009
  2. Stephanie Henriksen said:

    Good to hear there is a class working on local stories. I suggest they consider looking into the proposed annexation of 456 acres of Bridgewater Township land at the foot of St. Olaf (Heath Creek on the north to Spring Brook trout stream on the south) for an industrial park.

    October 8, 2009
  3. Griff Wigley said:

    Thanks, Rob, for the alert on the sidebar RSS glitch. I think I fixed it. Let me know, if not.

    October 9, 2009
  4. Rob Hardy said:

    Maia Rodriguez, a student in Doug McGill’s class, is working for this term as a student journalist. She’s posted a story about Pressville on She’s also written a story for us about National Coming Out Day. We’re very pleased to have Maia working with us this fall.

    October 11, 2009

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