Locally Grown site traffic report for October, 2009

Locally Grown web traffic stats, October, 2009 LoGroNo (Locally Grown Northfield) traffic for October was up 9-12% from September, according to Google Analytics:

  • 8,484 Absolute Unique Visitors; Previous: 7,583 (+11.88%)
  • 19,222 Visits; Previous: 17,135 (+12.18%)
  • 41,502 Pageviews; Previous: 37,772 (+9.88%)


We had 1,272 comments, up from 874. That might be an all-time high.

We had 92 different people commenting, slightly higher than the 60-80 that we’ve been averaging since March, 2009. 


Our Google PageRank value is 5 out of a possible 10 points according to PRChecker. (PageRank uses a base-10 logarithmic scale, same as the Richter scale. So a site with a PageRank of 5 has approximately ten times the traffic of a site with a PageRank of  4.)


Where did our traffic come from? Our top (we thank you!) Northfield-area referrers:

Rank – Source – Visits

03: northfield.org: 1476
10: bleeet.blogspot.com: 69
13: kymnradio.net: 61
14: nddc.org: 54
20: stolaf.edu: 37
21: pressville.org: 35
24: northfieldrotary.org: 31
31: tesselar.net: 19
34: directorsimon.wordpress.com: 17
47: milltowncycles.blogspot.com: 10

The top 100 of the 276 referrers: (continued)

Rank – Source – Visits

1: google: 6956
2: (direct): 5851
3: northfield.org: 1476
4: bing: 943
5: facebook.com: 791
6: images.google.com: 652
7: google.com: 513
8: yahoo: 352
9: ssomail.charter.net: 84
10: bleeet.blogspot.com: 69
11: aol: 68
12: bellsouth.collegetelecom.com:9998: 67
13: kymnradio.net: 61
14: nddc.org: 54
15: images.google.ca: 47
16: search: 47
17: images.google.co.uk: 43
18: msn: 40
19: mail.google.com: 38
20: stolaf.edu: 37
21: pressville.org: 35
22: my.myway.com: 34
23: orlandoregional.com: 33
24: northfieldrotary.org: 31
25: webmail.earthlink.net: 31
26: ask: 25
27: images.google.com.au: 25
28: mail.hutman.net: 25
29: minnesota.com: 24
30: bl144w.blu144.mail.live.com: 20
31: tesselar.net: 19
32: images.google.de: 18
33: bing.com: 17
34: directorsimon.wordpress.com: 17
35: images.google.fr: 15
36: medindevelopment.com:2095: 15
37: co115w.col115.mail.live.com: 14
38: bl149w.blu149.mail.live.com: 13
39: images.google.it: 13
40: en.wikipedia.org: 12
41: images.google.co.in: 12
42: images.google.com.ph: 12
43: twitter.com: 12
44: wigleyhouse4sale.wordpress.com: 12
45: web.me.com: 11
46: images.google: 10
47: milltowncycles.blogspot.com: 10
48: images.google.pl: 9
49: altavista: 8
50: bl142w.blu142.mail.live.com: 8
51: blogcatalog.com: 8
52: hiderefer.com: 8
53: newsbobber.com: 8
54: niemanlab.org: 8
55: outside.in: 8
56: us.mc576.mail.yahoo.com: 8
57: us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com: 8
58: images.google.com.tr: 7
59: charter.net: 6
60: happymads.blogspot.com: 6
61: images.google.cz: 6
62: pipl.com: 6
63: us.mg3.mail.yahoo.com: 6
64: yandex: 6
65: bl136w.blu136.mail.live.com: 5
66: bloglines.com: 5
67: chrstphrmthw.wordpress.com: 5
68: dogpile.com: 5
69: images.google.cl: 5
70: images.google.co.id: 5
71: images.google.com.br: 5
72: images.google.ie: 5
73: images.google.se: 5
74: thehf.org: 5
75: us.mc362.mail.yahoo.com: 5
76: wwww11.charter.net: 5
77: beginnertriathlete.com: 4
78: betseybuckheit.wordpress.com: 4
79: cvec.org: 4
80: google.ca: 4
81: images.google.co.th: 4
82: images.google.com.mx: 4
83: images.google.es: 4
84: images.google.fi: 4
85: images.google.gr: 4
86: metacrawler.com: 4
87: neuger.com:2095: 4
88: northfieldhistory.org: 4
89: rbhardy3rd.blogspot.com: 4
90: tcdailyplanet.net: 4
91: us.mc314.mail.yahoo.com: 4
92: us.mc344.mail.yahoo.com: 4
93: webhelp.qwest.net: 4
94: 3
95: backtype.com: 3
96: goodsearch.com: 3
97: images.google.at: 3
98: images.google.be: 3
99: images.google.co.nz: 3
100: images.google.com.my: 3

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