Looks like Tim Sellars has figured a way to legally have a Nativity scene display on the sidewalk in front of Tiny’s. There’s no baby Jesus there so it’s not really religious, just a display of a bunch of Palestinian figurines hanging around, waiting expectantly for the hot dogs to be served.
Update 12/3, 6:15 am: The Palestinians evidently have not been waiting for hotdogs. New photo taken this morning on the right.
What we need now are some other not quite religious displays downtown. Ideas, anyone?
How about dressing a hot dog up as Baby Jesus, but don’t tell anyone who it’s supposed to be…kinda like livin with the Taliban, except they don’t have hot dogs.
YES. Bright, I agree. When I saw this, I was fully expecting to see a plastic, glowing hot dog in the center.
Hot dog Jesus, huhmmm? I’m not sure anyone would relish the idea, depending upon what the hot dog is made of.
My bad. The Palestinians evidently have not been waiting for hotdogs. See the new photo above.
I was just getting online to ping you on this… It was pretty interesting seeing that as the big bus went by this morning.
Pretty funny!
Check your WA File Upload e-mail. Great photo upload. Global Warming hits Northfield in time for Winter Walk. 😎
Have a good day!
An emailer just pointed out that the arrival of a Casper-like being does not rule out the possibility of food and drink.
Who woulda thunk that it would be Palestinians taking advantage of the City’s sidewalk dining ordinance?
As of this morning, Casper was gone. I am unsure of the religious significance of this change.
Casper gone? the possibly ‘Holy Ghost’ abducted?
I don’t know what the religious implication might be , Kathy… but I bet Brendon Etter could come up with one, or two, … or even three!
Clearly, the holy ghost has ascended into heaven, and is now seated at the left hand of his father.
Griff: Did you catch the ascension Patrick mentions in your 300+ shots of Winter Walk?
Can one of your fabulous cameras ZOOM all the way to “heaven’?
I think there’s a “turn to the right; a little white light” … oh wait, that was “My Blue Heaven” …
It’s been a long while since I attended Catholic school (as in, decades), but I’m pretty sure it’s a little early in the liturgical year for any ascensions….
We have to wait for the end of Advent for the Babe to appear. Oh, have faith, all ye coffee addicts. To quote one of my favorite films, if “the Dude abides” so can the Babe. The Ghost of Halloween Past was only a messenger, sort of like John the Baptist if I remember my Lutheran Sunday School.
I am sorry to have to report that that wasn’t the Holy Ghost, It was just a late Halloweiner who just got back from the Coast.
The King has appeared!
I blogged this last year but it’s worth repeating here, given the significance of this, um, appearance.
Most bibliophiles know A.J. Jacobs by his best-seller, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible.
Lesser known is his 1994 book, The Two Kings: Jesus & Elvis, (which I first read about in an Utne Reader ‘back page’ in the mid-90s) in which he deftly notes the eerie parallels between the two superstars.
So Andrea, you said we’d have to wait till the end of Advent for the King/Babe to appear. What do you make of this latest development?
Seriously, Griff, I fear your soul is going STRAIGHT to hell…
Ah, Kathie… the road to hell is seldom “straight”…
Kiffi- You are correct. Matt. 7:13:
for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
I suppose a person can meander around quite a bit on a wide, broad path.
Elvis has left the
buildingmanger, replaced by a downtown savior.Hey Griff –
Just having coffee with a nice couple from out-of-town, Joe and Mary, trying to find out what brought them to Northfield and offer some downtown shopping suggestions.
Now appearing in the sidewalk manger at Tiny’s, wrapped in a swaddling bun:
(A tip-of-the-blogger hat to Andrea Een.)
Apparently, then, the Palestinians WERE waiting for hot dogs, as you originally thought?
I’m not only a minister, Kathie. I’m a prophet.
Alas, I must confess (heh): I stole that original bit about Palestinians from Andrea Een.
I guess if the Obamas can have a creche in the East Room of the White House, Tim should be able to display the baby Jesus on the sidewalk in front of Tiny’s.
Christopher Hitchens, however, begs to differ in this Washington Post column: It’s not the White Christmas House (heavily edited version here in today’s Strib):
And for a little bit of biblical history, he adds:
Nfld News Managing Editor Suzy Rook thinks that Tiny’s Nativity scene was indicative of a pattern of inconsistent ordinance enforcement. In a column titled If Lee Lansing had to move his trees…, she wrote: