Librarian Kathy Ness dropped a not-so-subtle hint for me last week when I, um, tried to check out a book at the Northfield Public Library. Yes, you can now pay your library fines online via SELCO’s eCommerce service (login to your account via the Electronic Resources link).
What she didn’t tell me was that, depending on the amount that you owe, you get a customized message when it tells you how much you owe. Want to see mine?
For that ammount Griff- you would also be hearing from the City’s attorney! And we could add on to the library!!!! Go get him Murph!
Fortunately for me, Kathy, the City Attorneys are new and therefore clueless. Plus, they don’t live here. 😉 And Murph can be plied with donuts.
for that amount, you might be able have a room dedicated in your honor. the Griff Wigley ebook room. It would have virtually every book.