City Administrator’s Friday Memo of Dec. 18

Joel-WalinskiThe “Friday Memo,” written by Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski and various department heads and other City staff, summarizes the staff activities for the week. The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of the City Administrator’s web page. The first memo of each month usually includes an update on the actions and activities of the City’s Boards and Commissions.

Friday’s memo can be found on the memo page for the week. Items of note include:

  • information on a meeting between officials from Northfield, Dundas and surrounding townships regarding possible joint efforts in protection of shared watersheds, and a link to the City’s Surface Water Management Plan adopted in 2007
  • details on the General Fund Levy and the General Fund budget for 2010, factoring in the sharp cut in LGA (Local Government Aid) from the State and recent City bond sales
  • actions to be implemented in response to the Safe Routes to School report

The last  regular City Council meeting of the year is Monday at 7:00p. You can view all City meetings on the City calendar.

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