City Administrator Joel Walinski’s first Friday Memo of 2010

Joel-WalinskiThe “Friday Memo,” written by Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski and various department heads and other City staff, summarizes the staff activities for the week. The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of the City Administrator’s web page. The first memo of each month usually includes an update on the actions and activities of the City’s Boards and Commissions.

Friday’s memo can be found on the memo page for the week. Items of note include:

  • The conspiracy must be effective because no sign of lobotomizing chemicals (or other contaminants) was found in City water.    A detailed report is due out later this year.
  • W00t! Northfield Public Works department has a Twitter account (@NfldPW) which they plan to use for updates. The City is also looking into the feasibility of using Twitter for other departments.

There is a City Council work session on TUESDAY, Jan. 12.  (See my previous post announcing changes to scheduled City meetings.)  You can view all City meetings on the City calendar.

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