I took this photo a couple weeks ago of Dave Neuger, Neuger Communications Group, presenting to the College Board of Business Consultants (CBBC) in the lower level of the Archer House. Also in the photo, L to R: Mark Molke (Wells Fargo Bank), Julie Cochlin (Community Resource Bank), Ethan Singer (Carleton), Erik
Thoen (Carleton) and Jennifer Marsh (St. Olaf).
Ross Currier blogged about the CBBC when it was first formed. Now if only the students kept a blog of their activities so the wider community could learn more about what they’re doing. Same for the Northfield Enterprise Center (NEC), which administers the CBBC.
I know, I know, I’m a blog-nag with a financial axe to grind. But in this town, a majority of the non-profit organizations and projects will soon have blogs. (See our local civic blogosphere page for a current listing.) So those who don’t look, um, dead by comparison. And that’s not good in this age of connectivity.
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