Gail and Ed stump for Sarah; the music begins Friday at 7 pm

IMG_6328Gail Moll and Ed Kuhlman stopped by my corner office at the IMG_6325GBM this week.

They each had flyers about the Sarah Henson benefit concert on Friday night at the Grand Event Center.  Sarah, mother of 4 teens, has a grade four glioblastoma brain tumor.

Sarah Henson and friendsBack in Nov. 2008, friends, family and the Northfield community held a big ‘house party’ for Sarah and enough money was raised to help pay her mortgage for a year. See the blog post with photo albums from the fundraiser. The photo on the left, with Sarah at the center doing a ‘thumbs up’,’ was from that event.

logo_caringbridgeSarah has a very informative CaringBridge site with her journal updates, photos, and information on how to donate.

The three bands playing at the benefit:

  • sarah-henson-flyer-sshotMark & Alec (anyone know who they are? website?)
  • Sweet North
  • Chance Meetings (band members Neal Rowley, Scott Friedow, Gail Moll, Chris Moen, John Hiscox, Steve Shroyer; the link goes to Chris Moen’s personal Facebook profile)

See Jessica Paxton’s blog post on and the PDF flyer for more details.

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