Source of inspiration: Ahmad and Fatima

Fatima and Ahmad My daughter noticed that photos of a young newlywed couple going about their daily lives have been spreading around the intertubes lately. Both have significant physical disabilities.  “This suddenly makes anything I ever complain or have issues with, seem insignificant and trivial.” You’re so right, Gilly.

Here’s a blog post that contains all the photos, titled Source of inspiration.


  1. I find it really patronizing to praise people for doing normal things like getting married. It implies that people with disabilities don’t/can’t normally do those activities, and that they are less than other people. Please see this article and the story (by a Carleton student) on the left hand side of page 12 of this google doc for more on how this dehumanizes and alienates people with disabilities.

    May 15, 2010
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    Lisa, I can see how treating people as ‘supercrips’ could be dehumanizing or alienating.

    But I thinking writing about someone you don’t know whose life or actions you find inspiring is a very different situation from how you might interact with them if you knew or met them. Nelson Mandella is one of my heroes but for all I know, he might be a real jerk in his day-to-day life. Same with Ahmad or Fatima.

    Thanks for raising the issue and linking to the articles.

    May 17, 2010

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