Robbie and I stopped by the NAG last night during Winter Walk to check out the Festival of Trees from last Saturday’s event that we missed. I saw that my barber and Hodge Podge Que co-owner Jerry Nord was the creator of one of the trees (left photo, click to enlarge) that ended up being sponsored by Jim Enestvedt, Sue Webb, and my future Northfield Crossing neighbors, Charlie and Diane Kyte.
Later, we paid Jerry a visit at his store and I complimented him on his creation. I asked him what was his inspiration for it and he pulled out the poster. No wait, that’s not quite what happened. I forget. I have a good memory but it’s short. Why is that? It’s happened to me at least 420 times this year. Anyway, Jerry doesn’t sell the posters, but Bart deMalignon does via the Grezzo Gallery (which, if they don’t get their website in shape soon, I’m going to have to file a request for a DoS). I saw Bart earlier this afternoon checking out the damaged streetscape curbing and he said he does have a few posters remaining. Great stocking stuffers, I’d say.
What kind of joint would hang a poster like that anyways? It’s madness.
When the wife wonders why I bought that poster, I’ll reefer her to this post.
I’m trying to think of a snappy, punny comeback, Adam….