The “Friday Memo,” written by Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski and various department heads and other City staff, summarizes the staff and department activities for the week. The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of the City Administrator’s web page.
This week’s memo includes:
- Report on city officials’ attendance at the Dakota County Mayor/Managers Breakfast Meeting, at which consultant Mark Koegler for Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc (HKGi) gave a presentation on the Business and Industrial Park Master Planning process to inform regional partners about the project
- An updated tentative meeting schedule for the Police and Fire Facility
- Draft agenda for June City Council meetings
Also in the memo, a report that as of 11:00 a.m. this morning, four candidates have filed for office in the upcoming election:
Suzie Nakasian – Ward 1
Nathan Kuhlman – Ward 4
Jon Denison – Ward 4
Rhonda Pownell – At-Large
You can find the Friday Memo on the memo page for the week.
There is a City Council work session (including a joint session with the Planning Commission to discuss the next installment of the draft Land Development Code) this week. You can view all upcoming City meetings on the City Calendar.
If you read this post, and/or click on any of the links within, would you do me the favor of a comment below just letting me know that you did so? As I posted last week, I’m still undecided about how valuable these weekly posts are, and how many people read them. Thank you!
I read it. Of course, I also posted it. But in case anyone was hesitant about making the first comment, I broke the ice.
.-= (Tracy Davis is a blogger. See a recent post titled Roundup ~ last week’s best posts & resources) =-.
[…] Tracy reported on Friday, Councilor Rhonda Pownell has filed for her at-large seat and Councilor Jon Denison has filed for […]
I appreciate it, Tracy, but then I know that doesn’t count for
shitbeans. 😉But how about we figure out to to put a Facebook type ‘like this’ button on the blog posts to make it easier for people to register their approval without having to add a comment?
Seriously, if you wish to refer back to a comment which is back a ways in the thread, the numbering is essential.
Tracy: got any influence here, or are you just stuck with that Friday memo, which is as useful for what it does NOT say, as for what it does.
Example: the Water Dept and the Library are always straightforwardly informative.
But the Community Development Dept and the Economic Development Authority seem to talk ‘around’ their more political issues.
I suppose this brings forward the question of what the EXACT purpose of this piece of communication is…
I used the link to get to the memo, but with such a pithy summary by LG, is there really a need? Perhaps you could invoice the City – (ha)
(Yeah, Griff, what happened to the numbered comments? They aren’t showing up anymore.)
Chaunce, when I do the Friday Memo writeups, I highlight some of the things that are of interest to me, or that strike me somehow. I’d hate to think that my biased summary prevents people from reading the original, which may have other items that are of more interest to others.
I usually read the Friday memo here and follow the link. I appreciate it being posted here. I wouldn’t read the Friday memo if the link wasn’t provided.
I upgraded the theme and lost the code fix for numbered comments. I’ve tried for an hour to fix, so far, failing miserably. Have requested help.
Thank you for the feedback, David B., I appreciate it!
Numbered comments appears to be fixed.