A sharp-eyed Dean Kjerland, AKA Mr. Riverwalk Market Fair, alerted me to this item strapped to a sign at the entrance to the Just Food Co-op parking lot.
What is it?
And when that question is answered to my satisfaction, what else could it be if one’s imagination is left to run rampant?
It’s a giant toothpaste cap…and, once again, someone forgot to put it back on the toothpaste!!!
Flower pot? Fire-hydrant condom?
A giant battery-operated pencil sharpener.
.-= (Rob Hardy is a blogger. See a recent post titled Recommended Poet: Alexandra Teague) =-.
Pencil sharpener is where my mind went initially, Rob.
But now that I see Tracy’s 2nd comment, my brain heads to the gutter.
To heck with that object… is it still possible to see this?:
R2D2 was taken down yesterday morn, Patrick, shortly after it was discovered.
As I have now, sadly, confirmed.
I’m surprised you didn’t mention it here, Griff…
I count on you (among others) to keep me informed on breaking ‘fluff.’
Apparently, the artists remain anonymous, and at large. Speaking of, doesn’t
Jim Mallon live near here? It might be worth checking to see if he (or Leon Varjian) has a kid attending Carleton.
Regardless of who was responsible, it was a beautifully executed prank. Wish I could’ve seen it.
I think it (by Just Food) is either a poorly framed photograph or a Butt can … or both.
Cigarette butt disposal is correct, Victor. The photo, however, is excellent. 😉