Photos: The bumblebees are busy

Flower garden at the St. Olaf Memorial Chime Tower bumblebee at St. Olaf Memorial Chime Tower bumblebee at St. Olaf Memorial Chime Tower bumblebee at St. Olaf Memorial Chime Tower
While taking photos of the St. Olaf Memorial Chime Tower on Wednesday, I noticed the bumblebees going in and out of these roses.  I was abble to get close enough for a few macro photos, as they completely ignored me. I was happy to get one photo in which the wings of the bumblebee are visible. The Wikipedia entry on bumblebee says:

Queen and worker bumblebees can sting, but unlike a honey bee’s, a bumblebee’s stinger lacks barbs, so they can sting more than once. Bumblebee species are normally non-aggressive, but will sting in defense of their nest, or if harmed.

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