Photo album: Taste of Northfield 2010, Day 2

The weather was spectacular for Day 2 of the Taste of Northfield. The NDDC organizers’ decision to host the Taste for two days instead of one this year was prescient, as Thursday’s threatening weather wiped out Day 1.

Waiting for their balloons Tim Freeland overcomes his fears Yum? Yeah, yum
The cookie-decorating, face-painting, and balloon-making activities were huge hits with kids young and old. For an amateur photographer like me, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. These photos are three of my favorites.

See the album of 100 photos, the large slideshow, or this small slideshow:


  1. Ross Currier said:

    Hey Griff –

    Thanks for all these fun photos…

    …and thanks to the many dozens of volunteers that helped with the event and a really big thanks to all the folks who came downtown for the Taste of Northfield!

    June 21, 2010
  2. Good job, Griff! We had to miss it this year, at least in reality!

    June 21, 2010

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