I saw Obie Holmen in the GBM on Thursday. Obie is:
- a blogger (Spirit of a Liberal, A blog of progressive, religious themes)
- a recent immigrant to Northfield (Feb. Nfld News: Life and Legacy: Moving here for ‘the community aspect’)
- the author of a new book titled A Wretched Man, A Novel of Paul the Apostle. (Rob Hardy authored a substantive post about Obie and his book back in March on Northfield.org)
Obie has just returned from several days in La Crosse where he’d been doing what newly published authors do. He was featured in yesterday’s Strib, somewhat erroneously, according to his blog:
I must smile at the article headline since I am not Roman Catholic nor do I think my support for the majority position of the ELCA on this blog qualifies me as “controversial”.
I’ve been following Obie on Twitter – looking forward to meeting him In Real Life!