With the political season winding up, we’ve added 3 more local candidate blogs to our lower right sidebar aggregator: Mark Murphy, and Al DeKruif. Other candidates there include incumbents Kevin Dahle and David Bly.
Let us know if there are others to add.
2 PM update: I mistakenly added Mike Piper’s blog, thinking that he was the Republican endorsed candidate for 25B. Kelby Woodard is the endorsed candidate but he currently doesn’t have a blog or RSS feed. I’ve removed Mike Piper’s blog.
Griff: I know he who controls the present controls the past, and all that, but why do you have Mike and not Kelby?
Scott, do you have a link?
Tracy: Kelby Woodard is running against David Bly for Minn. House Dist. 25B. He’s the Republican endorsed candidate, and according to the secretary of state’s Web site, they’re the only two candidates in the race.
I have a link to Kelby’s Web site. The last time I tried to post a link on Locally Grown, though, I got clobbered by the spam filter, so I don’t try anymore. You can e-mail me and I’ll send it to you.
I’ll email you, Scott, but if the website is just a site and not a blog (or something with an RSS feed) there’s no way for us to aggregate it.
Scott, I mistakenly added Mike Piper’s blog, thinking that he was the Republican endorsed candidate for 25B. As you noted, Kelby Woodard is the endorsed candidate but he currently doesn’t have a blog or RSS feed. I’ve removed Mike Piper’s blog…. and appended this comment to the blog post above.
Thanks for the alert and my apologies to Kelby and my Republican friends!