This is an informal straw poll (unscientific) designed to better understand the problem of illegal drug use in the Northfield Minnesota area and engage local citizens in helping to work on it.
I’m the sole author, though I got help from several people via email and the discussion thread on heroin use.
I’ll post the results of the straw poll (including comments) here on Locally Grown in a week or so. And I’ll make them available via PDF summary to interested public officials, community organizations, and members of the media.
Feel free to discuss the pros and cons of this straw poll or any of its questions by attaching a comment to this blog post. Other comments should be added to the discussion thread on heroin use which as of this afternoon has over 150 comments attached to it.
Update 7/11 9:15 pm: I’ve ended the straw poll. Results coming soon.
55 people have filled out the straw poll since I posted it 24 hours ago. And most everyone is contributing comments with it, which is really helpful. If you’ve not yet taken it, please consider doing so.
I am having difficulty with multiple people in my home wanting to participate in the straw poll. In a household of three children aged 15-21 (current and former NHS students) I would have liked them all to take the poll, however when my daughter submitted her answers she received a message saying that she already submitted and only the original answers would be counted. (Another household member had previously submitted)
Sorry about that Julie. The software is designed to prevent multiple submissions by the same person. I’ll check on a couple of options and get back to you ASAP.
I’ve ended the straw poll as of 9:15 pm. Results are blogged here.