Back in Oct. 2008, I bought an Amazon Kindle and blogged about it: Northfield Kindle owners: saving trees or destroying Division St. bookstores?
There were three bookstores downtown then: River City Books, Bookfellows, and Monkey See Monkey Read. Only Jerry Bilek’s Monkey See Monkey Read remains.
Not that I feel completely responsible for the demise of two of our bookstores, but I was glad to see this in last week’s NY Times: Stores See Google as Ally in E-Book Market
Now one element of Google Editions is coming into sharper focus. Google is on the verge of completing a deal with the American Booksellers Association, the trade group for independent bookstores, to make Google Editions the primary source of e-books on the Web sites of hundreds of independent booksellers around the country, according to representatives of Google and the association.
I’m a regular e-book buyer and things got even cooler this week with a new Kindle app that allows me to read the same books on my Android phone that I’ve already purchased for my Kindle… and synchronize how far along I am in the book in both devices. Very helpful.
You can have the convenience of the Kindle apps without, you know, actually shelling out for the Kindle. The apps are free; I have one on my Mac, and another on my iPhone. The apps do not have all the features of the physical device, but for whiling away the time in waiting rooms and airport lounges, they are entirely suitable.
I would be happy to buy books, and support local independent bookstores, but I have no more room for books, nor walls for more bookshelves. If Google offers a program to send a portion of my reading dollars to a bookstore, or Amazon’s affiliate program applies to Kindle books — I don’t know — so much the better.
Do you ever tire of staring at a screen, Griff?
Meanwhile, hope for Luddites like me.
There are times when I enjoy my Entourage (a kindle of sorts) and times when only The Monk can get me a book I want, like a couple of weeks ago when he ordered up a picture book and a Ray Bradbury book that wasn’t available online. The ebook readers are just one more way to get what we want. Plus, Jerry has always been a joy to deal with and that’s one of the big reasons why he’s still around.
Tom, I get tired of computer screens but not the Kindle because it’s not back-lit. Its text is crisp and easy to read, even in the bright sun. And if I can’t find my reading glasses, I just up the size of the text.
The only time I seem to need a print product is if I’m in the bathtub or a hot tub and no one else is in there with me. 😉
Thx for the reminder, Linda. Yes, the Kindle apps for a Mac or PC are quite nice. Text is more readable than on a web page.
I think this article might be relevant (The Art of Slow Reading), but I’m not sure. I couldn’t get through the whole thing.
Rob, I read about half and skimmed thru the other, I have never liked to read through the excess of words that are often set before us because people are getting paid by each word they write. I will give myself a chance to get used to the cadence of a what may be to me a new author, but if it doesn’t come within one chapter, he or she is Gone with the Wind.
I do sort of agree with the author that the computer thing has driven us dumb, and I might add spoiled. I found that happening to me as my reading fair is usually more about nature, biographies, and do it yourself type things. But I do enjoy a good well written novel. And I wish I had someone to talk to about those novels, but all the book clubs I run into don’t really talk about books. They have more pressing agendas, it seems.
Anyway, it seems that we need to take the bull by the horns and set aside time to read political, historical, and classical and modern novels at the very least, several hours per week at the very minimum, in a quiet corner. Read the good ones twice and the great ones every so often after that.
NY Times: E-Books Top Hardcovers at Amazon
Here’s one response to those numbers, Griff:
“If we use the ratio from the last quarter, it implies Amazon has sold around 22 million Kindle books so far this year. That’s just the equivalent of 6 percent of the total print book market, which remains tiny.”
In today’s NY Times: Google Opens Doors to E-Bookstore
Google Blog: Discover more than 3 million Google eBooks from your choice of booksellers and devices
According to this page on IndieBound, these 4 MN independent bookstores will be participating as of today
I hope Jerry Bilek at Northfield’s Monkey See Monkey Read will be participating.
See the Google eBookstore. I installed the Android app on my G2 phone and began reading Walden for free in less than a minute.
I’d like to sell e-books and google may be the most viable partner. the current model offered to independent bookstores is not a good option for me. the annual fees are $3000. I don’t believe google is signing up indie bookstores directly, only through the ABA. If I were able to deal with google directly for a reasonable fee, I’d consider it.
here’s a book relevant to the discussion Griff.
Now that’s funny! Thx, Jerry.
In today’s Strib: Local bookstores fall to ‘e-book revolution’
NPR: End Of Days For Bookstores? Not If They Can Help It
Griff, thanks for the link to the star trib story.
here is a comment I posted:
the bottom line is this is capitalism. bookstores, indies, chain, and, internet, need to serve the customer. the ones that do that the best and profitably will survive. if you like printed books, keep buying them from stores you want to see survive. the same goes for ebooks. if you want indie bookstores to survive, shop there even for ebooks. you can tell your favorite local bookstore to sell ebooks. The ABA has made this possible for indies with a partnership with google. if you like amazon or B&N, shop there. let you money talk. I own a small bookstore. currently, I am considering offering ebooks to my customers. the ABA/google option is too expensive for me at the moment. it might make economic sense for my store in the future.
Well, a cartoon on my refrigerator reminds me that anti-social media (books) have a place in our anti-social networks.
This week’s Nfld News: Library broadens eBook collection
NY Times: E-Readers Catch Younger Eyes and Go in Backpacks
Has your Kindle been properly odorized, Griff?
On a side note, my wife ordered and purchased the latest Tom Clancy novel from our Favorite Monkey, Mr. Bilek…
… However, at 970 pages (seriously, Tom, get an editor!) it weighs a ton in hardcover, and would be one reason to consider a kindle. It is twice as thick as my netbook, and weighs about 5 pounds.
I however like the feel of a good paper based book in my hands. Its going to take a while for me to move away from that, even though most of my books for work are now electronic.
$3000 for the privilege to sell e-books? That doesn’t sound viable at all.