City Administrator’s weekly Friday Memo of July 9, 2010

Joel-WalinskiThe “Friday Memo,” written by Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski, department heads, and other City staff, summarizes the staff activities for the week. The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of the City Administrator’s web page.

The Friday Memo information from the Library, Streets & Parks, and Recreation departments would be of interest to most citizens. This week’s memo (PDF) also includes the Boards & Commissions report (PDF) for June; you can find the Friday Memo and the Boards & Commissions report on the memo page for the week.

Items of note this week include:

  • No more eyesore! Maybe.  After the amended TIF note financing for the Crossing project closes this week, funds should be available for the City to begin planned site improvements and cleanup.
  • An update on the Highway 19 construction schedule and the link to the MnDOT project website.

There is a City Council work session on Tuesday (which includes the next segment of the new LDC from the Planning Commission), and the third open house (PDF) to review the draft of the new stormwater ordinance.

You can view all upcoming City meetings on the City Calendar.

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