Northfield Police Chief Gary Smith (left) and Northfield Schools Superintendent Chris Richardson were our guests on our Locally Grown radio show today, talking about the local heroin problem and the stories surrounding it.
The show aired live this afternoon at 5:30 and hundreds of five people called in with comments and questions.
Click play to listen. 49 minutes.
Our show, Locally Grown, airs LIVE on Wednesdays, 5:30 PM on KYMN 1080 AM. You can also subscribe to the podcast feed, or subscribe with iTunes. We seek your comments and suggestions. Attach a comment to this blog post or use the Contact Us page to send us email. See the show archives for audio of other episodes.
I have not listened to the whole show, but I was very shocked that these two men did not work together on this issue.
Gary and Chris worked so hard, staying in close contact, even going above and beyond what their jobs entitled them to do, to get the Village School closed. To bad they did not work so good together on this heroin issue.