Podcast: Triumvirate minus 1 on goose poop, the elections, and a departure opportunity

lgbannertriumvirateposter-minus-tracyIt was just me and Ross this week, talking about all-things Northfield including goose poop, the upcoming council and school board elections (separate issues), and the opportunities afforded by the departure of Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski.

It’s clear from listening to the show, however, that we need Tracy.

She’s–not–just a pretty face
She’s–got–everything it takes
She’s–mother–of the human race
She’s–not–just a pretty face

Click play to listen. 30 minutes.

You can also download the MP3 or subscribe to the podcast feed, or subscribe directly with iTunes. Our radio show/podcast, Locally Grown, usually airs Mondays at 6:00 PM and Sundays at 10 AM on KYMN 1080 AM.

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