Crazy! Team Coldwell Banker South Metro hugs for the food shelf

A team of realtors from Coldwell Banker South Metro has set up a hugging tent on Division St. to raise money for the Food Shelf at the Community Action Center during today’s Craze Daze.  For every passerby who gets (in my case, “reluctantly consents to”) a hug from a team member, they put one of their own dollars (raised from staff contributions this week) into the food shelf fundraising jar.  Of course, you can put your dollars in the jar, too.

Jim Blaha, Ed Kuhlman, Larry Defries, Jeanette Nelson, Arlen Malecha free hugs, Coldwell Banker South Metro free hugs, Coldwell Banker South Metro Ed Kuhlman hugging a reluctant Griff Wigley 
When I stopped by at 8:15, Jim Blaha, Executive Director of the Northfield Community Action Center, was their poster child.  Hug dispensers included (left photo, L to R, Ed Kuhlman, Larry Defries, Jeanette Nelson, Arlen Malecha.


  1. Hi Griff,

    Thanks so much for receiving so graciously, however reluctantly, a hug from a fellow Norwegian! Oh, and also for the wet slimy handshake.

    July 22, 2010
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    You’re welcome, Jeanette. The slimy handshake was memorable!

    July 26, 2010

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