Here are Northfield Rotary Club‘s outbound Youth Exchange students and the countries they’ll be visiting for the 2007-08 year (click photos to enlarge):
Left photo, L to R: Zane Anway: Bolivia; Tyler Martinson: Sweden; Felicia Hansell to Thailand; Caila Hall: Germany; Rebecca Langer: Slovakia; Daniel Lohmann: Brazil; right photo: Jonathan Een Newton: Brazil; Not pictured: Jenna Huberg: India.
On the left: some of the exchange students and their parents won the games competition at the Northfield Rotary Summer Social. L to R: Zane with mom Karen and dad Jim Anway (far right); Mark Hansell and Teri Takehiro with daughter Felicia; Mary and Dave Huberg (daughter Jenna Huberg has been in India for a month already). On the right: Andrea Een, mother of Jonathan Een Newton, and the pine tree given to all outbound students’ parents by Rick and Kris Estenson. The idea is to give the parents something to nuture while their kids are away. The prickly pine needles add to the symbolism.
And a tip-of-the-blogger hat to Vicki Dilley for helping me with the names!
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