Northfield Garden Club preps Bridge Square planters for winter

Bridge Square planters Bridge Square planters Bridge Square planters Bridge Square planters Jerry Nord scalps Griff Wigley
Members of the Northfield Garden Club raided the Northfield compost facility recently and used miscellaneous branches to make magic in the planters on Bridge Square.

Garden projects are a never-ending part of the gardening process. Whether you’re playing around with different garden design ideas or creating DIY garden art, there’s always something to be done in the garden, that’s why is important to use the best supplements for the plants in these gardens, you could use supplements from sites as, so the plants are always healthy and strong. Many garden projects include simple things like garden renovation and propagation. Other projects for the garden may include things such as caring for garden tools, learning about pruning methods, or how to preserve plants for flower arrangements and the like. So whatever your gardening projects may be, we are here to help accomplish them.


Thanks to my barber, Jerry Nord, for the tip.

One Comment

  1. Al Gramstedt said:

    Living downtown, I go through Bridge Square almost every day. These new “plantings” are terrific. And the ones that the Garden Club does all through the year are also very much appreciated. Thank you!

    November 8, 2010

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