Locally Grown live on KYMN at 5:30 PM today

We’ll be live on KYMN 1080 AM at 5:30 pm, with the audio/podcast posted here by 10 PM or so. We’ve opted to NOT have a guest. It’ll just be us three, yakking about, um, whatever’s been on our minds lately. Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll? Could be.

We’ll be taking call-ins again. You’ll have the option of speaking live/on the air or leaving your comments with Dusty Budd or Jeff Johnson who will in turn, relay them to us.

So if you’d like to ask a question or make a comment today, call during the show:


KYMN can handle 3 or 4 callers on hold. Programming Director Jeff Johnson will screen the calls. Or if you’d like to have us address an issue on the show, attach a comment to this blog post by 5 pm and we’ll consider it.


  1. Marcea said:

    Do you know why Al Roder being criminal investigated?

    July 18, 2007
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    During our radio show today, someone called in to say that WCCO-TV ran a story tonight on its 6 pm newscast. I don’t see anything on their site yet http://wcco.com/

    but I received an email from a person who saw the story, saying that David Hvistendahl was interviewed in the WCCO segment as Gary Smith’s lawyer. Hvistendahl evidently said it was a health-related leave, that Smith has had some health issues, made worse by stress, and he confirmed that there was an investigation concerning the city administrator.

    7 pm update: The WCCO-TV story/video is now up on their site: Northfield Chief Takes Leave After Heroin Episode. FYI, the text on the left of that page is not a transcript of the video.


    July 18, 2007

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