On this Thanksgiving Day, 2010, what are you thankful for that’s Northfield-related?

I’m told that gratitude is best thought of as a skill or discipline to practice. So for Thanksgiving Day 2010 (and continuing over the next week or two), here’s  a chance to practice publicly. Answer the question:

What are you thankful for that’s Northfield-related?


  1. Instead of submitting a laundry list in one comment, submit a sentence or two that describes just one thing.  And then, if you have another item to submit, add it later. Another? Add it later.  I bet I can think of a couple dozen things that I’d like to add eventually.
  2. You can expand on what others post but don’t take issue with what others post. It should be an all-positive, conflict-free, comment thread.
  3. All other Locally Grown discussion guidelines apply.


  1. Griff Wigley said:

    As someone who works at home and needs to get out of my underground bunker regularly, I’m thankful that Northfield has so many coffeeshops and restaurants with free wi-fi.

    November 25, 2010
  2. I’m thankful there are so many intriguing Northfield “historic happenings” for me to write about, not just a certain 1876 bank raid, though that is a biggie!

    November 25, 2010
  3. Kathie Galotti said:

    I’m thankful that there are so many organizations such as the, Northfield Day Care Center and Northfield Arts Guild that are thougtful about their mission and contribute so richly to enriching experiences of kids throughout town.

    November 25, 2010
  4. kiffi summa said:

    I am VERY thankful that the Sun is shining on Northfield today, although the thermometer is reading only
    11 degrees.

    November 25, 2010
  5. Mary Schier said:

    I’m thankful for the beautiful plantings and decorations that make downtown charming and pleasant year-round and the city workers, shop owners and volunteer gardeners who create and maintain it all.

    November 25, 2010
  6. john george said:

    I’m thankful for the small town atmosphere, yet there is a lot of culture in this town because of the colleges. Karen and I grew up on farms in Iowa (yes, I’ve heard all the Iowa jokes!), and we like the slower “pace” of Northfield. I also like the spiritual heritage of the town, based in both colleges being established to train people to preach the Gospel.

    November 25, 2010
  7. Beth Kallestad said:

    I’m thankful for the amazing people who live here, Just Food Coop, and my awesome church family at First UCC.

    November 26, 2010
  8. Anastasia Balfany said:

    I’m thankful for the organizations that help keep Northfield strong, like the NDDC, and for Northfield’s official photographer – Griff Wigley. Your photos are truly a gift to Northfield and will be treasured for years to come. Thank you for so generously sharing your time and talents!

    November 28, 2010
  9. Griff Wigley said:

    Thanks for the kind comments, Anastasia. Hopefully, I’ll take a few more photos this week at Winter Walk!

    December 6, 2010

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