NDDC plans and parties at the Rueb

I weaseled my way into the Upstairs Rueb on Thursday eve to sneak some photos of some Northfield Downtown Development Corp (NDDC) board members doing a little socializing after their monthly meeting.

Jessica Paxton and Anastasia Balfany Anastasia Balfany, Joey Robison, Julie Bixby Greg Kneser, Suzy Cowles Taggert, Keith Covey

Dan Bergeson, Jeff Hasse, Joe Grundhoefer Greg Kneser, Jeff Hasse, Ross Currier, Dan Bergeson 

Ross Currier has a post on the NDDC blog titled NDDC Conducts Annual Planning for 2011 which summarizes NDDC’s major accomplishments for 2010. Jeesh!

You can follow the NDDC on Facebook, subscribe to the NDDC blog via RSS or email, and subscribe to the NDDC e-newsletter.

Update 12/20 – I’ve added this photo that Ross took of the NDDC board:

NDDC Board Members 2010

Back row: Jeff Hasse, Keith Covey, Jeff Johnson, Mark Quinnell,  Julie Bixby, Dan Bergeson
Next row: Sam Gett, Joe Grundhoefer, Anastasia Balfany, Suzy Taggert, Joey Robison
Front row: Greg Kneser, Dave Shumway, Jessica Paxton
Missing: Robert Bierman.


  1. Griff Wigley said:

    I’ve added a photo to the blog post that Ross took of the NDDC board.

    December 20, 2010
  2. Ross Currier said:

    Griff –

    I should note that we were thanking retiring board members and welcoming new board members, thus the size of the group (and the “party” element).

    Thanks much,


    December 20, 2010

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