Photo album: St. Olaf Natural Lands in winter

It was a little nippy yesterday afternoon when I took a stroll on the groomed cross country ski trails around the wetlands of the St. Olaf Natural Lands. I intended to take a few dozen photos as the sun set but I wimped out.  Fingers numb quickly when the wind chill is way south of zero and I’m trying to hold still for macro shots. My favorite technique of sticking my hands down my pants to warm them up in my crotch tends to draw the attention of campus security.

There’s a new information kiosk at the trailhead, with a small plaque that reads: 

Crafted by
Rebecca Rand
Class of 2010
Her Father, Tony Rand


See the album of 8 photos, the large slideshow (recommended), or this small slideshow:

One Comment

  1. Paul Zorn said:

    Terrific photos, Griff, of one of Northfield’s best community resources in all weathers, and a jewel in St Olaf’s crown. Glad you eluded St Olaf’s security force this time.

    The link above to St Olaf Natural Lands points to lots of interesting information about how this area was restored (from former crop fields) and how it’s used now for research as well as recreation. Kudos to Gene Bakko, now Prof Emeritus of Biology at St Olaf, for many roles in the restoration. (Professor Kathy Shea is now St Olaf’s Curator of Natural Lands.)

    Our now-sainted dog Robin was inordinately fond of this area, and trotted its trails and frozen surface often. His ashes now enrich the soil near the southwest corner of the lake.

    February 9, 2011

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