Hayes Scriven makes use of a QR code for the NHS ‘Next Level’ campaign

I got an email this morning from Northfield Historical Society Executive Director Hayes Scriven:

Hey Griff, I saw a story over the weekend about a town in Florida using a version of QR Codes for tourism.  That reminded me about your blog post: A QR Code makes its appearance in the January NEG. How else might the codes be used?

So I wanted to look into how they work.  I found out they are really easy, so I did this one for our capital campaign.  Now, that I know how easy they are I am going to do a few more for other areas of the museum.

NHS 'Next Level' campaign QR code flyer NHS 'Next Level' campaign QR code flyer triggers video

Hayes attached a camera phone photo of a Next Level campaign flyer (with QR code on it) in the window of the NHS. I aimed my smartphone at the image attachment on my PC and within 5 seconds (photo above right), a YouTube video started to play, Taking Northfield History to the Next Level, featuring Corrine and Elvin Heiberg.


  1. Griff:

    Thanks for posting my email.

    I think later this week I am going to do a few barcodes on the History Podcats that we produced a few months ago.

    February 28, 2011
  2. A.Ripka said:

    super cool. way to fuse modern technology with history!

    March 2, 2011

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