The Northfield Verizon Wireless World store has opened in the south half of the old Movie Gallery space at Hwy. 3 and Hwy. 19, adjacent to Caribou Coffee. The store had been in the Heritage Square mall on south Hwy. 3.
See the Dec. 28 Nfld Patch article: Northfield’s Wireless World Moving to Former Movie Gallery Space.
As I’ve mentioned, I’ll be moving to Northfield this summer and was wondering if there were any particular carriers that have better signal strength in the area or ones with spotty reception.
I’ve had good luck with AT&T. Before switching to AT&T, I had serious reception problems with Sprint at my first residence in town.
Your mileage may, of course, vary. Even though the area is relatively flat, there are some spots where the little hills mess with reception. I think that was my main problem with Sprint.
p.s. Welcome (almost) to town!
Gabe- I use T-Mobile and get good reception everywhere around town and in the countryside. It just doesn’t work in the BWCA. My daughter and son-in-law who live with us use Verizon, and they can’t get good reception inside the house. Outside is good. We have close proximity with St. Olaf hill, and, supposedly, the iron content in the bedrock there affects cell-phone reception for some carriers. Where you locate in Northfield may make a difference.
Verizon has the best service in town and out in Nerstrand.
Great to hear that most carriers seem to have good reception. Thanks for the responses!
Nitpicky, but the Northfield News has a habit of this “Hwys 3/19 thing” too. There are two intersections of Hwy 3 and Hwy 19 (2nd St and 5th St). It seems that when reasonable, the local street name should be used anyway. So… at the intersection of W 5th St and S Hwy 3.