I got an email (see below) from Don Diehl last week about the 2nd Annual Northfield Table Tennis Tournament coming up on May 7th (event flyer PDF). We got together a few days later at the James Gang Coffeehouse & Eatery for him to give me details.
Want to participate? See the registration form on the Northfield Senior Center website.
And see my photos/video from the 1st Annual Northfield Table Tennis Open last year.
Don wrote:
Being the racket enthusiast that you are, possibly you’d like to enter/watch the 2nd Annual Northfield Table Tennis Tournament coming up on May 7th at the Northfield Middle School.
Last year’s event was the brainchild of Patrick McKown who now is living in Bethesda, MD and has an internship with North American Table Tennis (a group which organizes tournaments). So, he and I are co-coordinating this year’s event. He makes phone calls/sends e-mails to promote and I get to do the grunt work!
We’re being sponsored by the Northfield Senior Center and we’re looking to enlarge the number of players. We’ll have skilled players from both Rochester and the Twin Cities area as we did last year. You’re welcome and encouraged to participate/watch!
Thanks to the support of the staff at the Northfield Senior Center in the last couple of years, the number of sessions available to play table tennis (ping pong) has increased from two to five each week…Including an open Monday night session from 7:30 – 9:30…
Don, will you table tennis fanatics over at the Senior Center have your own info page sometime soon?
Right now, players are honing their skills for next week’s open tournament on May 7…I returned from the Senior Center a while ago…All that I heard was ka-chuk, ka-chuk, ka-chuk, ka-chuk…A little plastic ball traveling at more than 90 mph across a 9-foot-long surface!!!…A sound that will be multiplied many times at the Northfield Middle School during the competition…Spectators are welcome to watch!!!…
Anyone interested in playing table tennis / pingpong, whether in the tournament or otherwise, should get in touch with Don. The most frequently heard comment is, “Oh, I loved it when I played 25 years ago, but I haven’t played since.” Don’t worry about that. We’re all in the same boat, and we’re playing for fun, not because we’re such great players. It’s hard to have more fun than playing pingpong.
This years tournament looks like it’s going to be a good one! We have added tables, upped the prize money, and expect a greater number of talented players from around the State. Come see first hand why table tennis is one of the fastest growing sports in the USA!
Table tennis rocks- more women need to join in!
Thanks to Don and Randy for mugging for the camera. Check out this Northfield Patch video from Monday’s table tennis gathering.
VIDEO:Northfield Seniors Ready for Table Tennis Tournament
Corey, that’s a well-done video. Kudos. Good to see Philip Spensley in action in there, too.
Patrick/Don/Randy, do you have results of yesterday’s tourney, eg, total # of entrants as well as top finishers in various categories?
Hey Griff…You’re a week ahead of yourself!!!…The tournament is scheduled for this coming Saturday, May 7th at the Middle School…And yes, we’ll be glad to share the results of the competition…Entries to date indicate that several skilled and high-ranked players from the region (including Mankato, Rochester and the Twin Cities) will be challenging one another on 5′ by 9′ playing surfaces!!!…