Jill Enestvedt, Queen mum of ArtSwirl


Jill Enestvedt is widely considered the founder of ArtSwirl and she was once again leading the charge for this year’s 4th Annual. I took this photo of her (click to enlarge) at work at the Rare Pair this morning.

According to Ross Currier’s June NDDC blog post, the ArtSwirl planning group this year also included Ally Beyer of the Rare Pair, Liz Carpentier of the Art Store, Jessica Paxton of Carleton College, and Nick Sinclair of By All Means Graphics, Grezzo Gallery, and Sinclair Hot Rods.


  1. Ross Currier said:

    Hey Griff:

    Thanks for high-lighting these folks.

    Personally, I think it’s the impressive number of volunteers, with a variety of interests and talents, but consistently abundant energy and enthusiasm, that make Northfield the best community in Minnesota…

    …regardless of what Money magazine may say.


    August 4, 2007
  2. Dean Kjerland said:

    Queen mum?… we have lost the power of language…Jill’s art exhibition at a local gallery subtitled simply ‘new work’ completely sold out…ArtSwirl is just another expression (but wildly appreciated!) of a very talented person in our community deserving of a tribute by a real wordsmith…

    August 7, 2007

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