Las Delicias to close

The Las Delicias restaurant on Division closes next week, citing “problems with our current landlord… ” The building is owned by Bob and Kate Kuyper, clients of mine. I don’t have details but I will ask. Click the images to read the posters that are in the window.


  1. Robert Bonner said:

    The food was good, and inexpensive, but that is kind of beside the point. This is a hard-working family who are losing their home as well as their place of work, since they lived above the restaurant. As of last week they did not know where they would be living after December 31, and could only hope to find a job. It is a genuine no-room-at-the-inn holiday heartwarmer. I hope people can find ways to support them in this time of need.

    December 25, 2006
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    I liked their food, Sean… particularly their bean burritos.

    Bob, my neighbor told that there’s been considerable negotiating going on for several weeks, involving 3rd parties. I’ll try to get more specifics.

    December 26, 2006
  3. Griff Wigley said:

    When Carleton students return next week, I hope to get a summary of what’s happened from the perspective of a student who was reportedly involved in all aspects of the negotiations.

    I’ve been in email contact with Bob Kuyper and hope to have a statement from him shortly.

    December 27, 2006

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