Scientific Experiment Results in Breakthrough

BikeAndTie.jpgSomebody contact Scientific American, you CAN ride a bicycle and wear a tie at the same time.

Intrigued by Dundas Planning Chair Bruce Morlan’s suggestion that Chamber of Commerce President David Ludescher couldn’t ride the six blocks from his home to his office because, as an attorney, he had to wear a tie, I decided to conduct a scientific experiment.

Digging a tie out of my closet (I was a banker for many years, after all), I carefully tied it (Windsor knot, Shelby knot, I don’t know…), put on my helmet (as recommended by ALL professionals)…and successfully rode the eight blocks from my home to my office. Here I am posing (not riding) on the sidewalk outside my office.

I will admit, it was not quite as comfortable a ride and the tie did flap rather annoyingly in the breeze, however, I believe I did prove conclusively that it is possible. Watch for the upcoming article in Scientific American.


  1. Tracy Davis said:

    Ross, I’m afraid this is only a relevant experiment if you wore full court dress (coat, trousers, shirt and tie) AND had a forty-pound briefcase slung across one shoulder.

    On the other hand, the guy I sleep with is also an attorney, and he rides his bike to the office every day that he’s not in court. Seems like a workable compromise to me. However, I’ve also seen how he dresses when he’s not in court, so maybe his example isn’t one that others would care to follow…..

    August 8, 2007
  2. Ross, I’ve been running this experiment on and off for quite a while now, on a two-mile bike ride to Carleton. I find that tucking the tie into the space between the collar button and the next button down is an effective way of preventing tie-flap. I would also try to use rubber band around my midsection to prevent the tie from moving, but this might restrict breathing and would hurt like hell if someone snapped it.

    You could also put on the tie when you got to work, but this is an annoyingly simple-minded solution.

    August 8, 2007
  3. Curt Benson said:

    Re:attorneys and bike riding–Isn’t it hard to chase ambulances on a bicycle?

    (Apologies for the gratuitous remark, which was mean spirited, even for me.)

    August 8, 2007
  4. Jerry Bilek said:

    I admire your experiment, however, it is not terribly scientific. You are wearing jeans and the top button of your shirt is not buttoned up. Lawyers tend to wear something called slacks or trousers.

    Tracy has done some research and provides better data.

    I have seen faculty members bike to campus, but they tend to dress like Ross. It works for booksellers as well, but they are crummy dressers, t-shirts, shorts, shirts missing buttons, really not a good example.

    what is the point of tie anyway. Seems frivolous!

    August 8, 2007
  5. Ross Currier said:


    Thank you for your thoughtful comment and helpful suggestion. I’ll try the trick with the tie.

    As for the rest of you, I’ve never seen any of you wearing a white jacket with a pocket protector, so your questioning of my scientific method is highly suspect.


    August 8, 2007
  6. Jessica Paxton said:

    It’s interesting to note that the automatic assumption is that lawyers are men. (Hence the tie and “slacks” or “trousers.”)

    Ross, if you really want to prove your point, I suggest reconducting the same experiment, clad in “heels and hose.” Like those of us of the fairer sex obligated to “dress for success.”

    Just an idea.

    August 8, 2007
  7. BruceWMorlan said:

    Well, as I sit here in a seminar on statistics in R (use(R) conference in Ames IA) I have to tell you that the tie is an indicator variable tied (sorry) to the overall business costume (as Tracy pointed out). The real experiment would measure how well you did after riding to the office and essentially soaking your suit in sweat, stew in it for a half day, then meet that important client. I’ll stick to the alert-pad ready suited warrior with an AC car. Now, if all I want to do is learn about ancient literature (say, Fitzgerald) then I can always sit in the back of the pack (like most students do).

    August 8, 2007
  8. Jody Graff said:

    I have successfully road my bike to work in a skirt, in heels and even once in heels wearing a skirt! So my thought is that it isn’t an issue of what you wear at work, but more the fact that our lifestyle and work style demands that we should be able to, in a blink of an eye, jump in our gas guzzling, air polluting vehicles and be somewhere in 5 minutes!

    August 8, 2007
  9. Tracy Davis said:

    Jessica’s right on. I actually do bike to work in a dress and heels sometimes. With a computer and a tote bag. Doesn’t work so well with a more conservative suit, though, because the skirt’s too narrow and I can’t pedal.

    Does this mean that planning for multi-modal transportation in Northfield is a stupid idea, because our wardrobes won’t cooperate?

    August 8, 2007
  10. Arlen Malecha said:

    Mr. Currier looks very impressive wearing his tie and helmet while riding his bike to work. However I think he would look much more impressive if her were to ride his bike in the street and not on the sidewalk in the downtown business district.

    Tsk Tsk Mr. Currier. Tsk Tsk!

    August 8, 2007
  11. Ross Currier said:


    Please note in my posting:

    “Here I am posing (not riding) on the sidewalk outside my office.”

    As I said, I was posing, not riding. In fact my volunteer photographer, Jody Graff, hesitated about standing there, photographing me while I was, in her words, “whizzing down the street”. In order to secure her cooperation, I assured her that I would just pose on the sidewalk, stationary as a stature, while she took the photo.

    I must make it clear that Ross Currier, the NDDC, the Planning Commission, and Locally Grown, are all aware that riding bicycles on a sidewalk is a crime in Northfield.



    August 8, 2007
  12. Arlen Malecha said:

    Touche Mr. Currier, I stand corrected. You are indeed posing not riding.

    Tsk Tsk, Mr. Malecha. tsk Tsk

    August 8, 2007
  13. Jody Graff said:

    One word to solve all of our suit wearing (both men and women), sweat adverse business people out there: Rickshaw! We should get them!

    August 8, 2007
  14. John Thomas said:


    Unrelated question, but look over your left shoulder.

    Notice on the wall there, on the grey building, that two of the three signs for handicap parking have been removed.

    Is this area still part of the City lot, or is this parking private? Where could I go to find out?

    Wouldn’t any change to the parking, (i.e. removal of handicap spaces, be subject to city approval?)

    I am wondering if these signs were removed in the dead of night by a local pizza delivery business that was short on parking for its drivers?

    It seems that theses were removed not to long ago, but I am wondering by whom, and for what purpose, and was that approved by someone.

    Any ideas on where to begin to ask those questions? I figured since you know everyone, you would know where to start.

    -John Thomas

    P.S. Nice outfit! Its nice to see that you got all of the Garanimals to match. 😎

    Keep up the great biking!

    August 8, 2007
  15. The bike commuter’s sweatiness is just a down payment on carbon neutrality!

    August 8, 2007
  16. Tracy Davis said:

    Jody, I love the idea. And a great advertising opportunity for somebody, too. Check out this version I saw in Charleston a couple of months ago:

    Rickshaw in Charleston, SC

    August 8, 2007
  17. Christine Stanton said:

    My new deam store–“Northfield Outfitters”–could rent these. 🙂 Any suggestions for winter transport options?

    August 9, 2007
  18. Ross Currier said:


    Sharp eyes on the HC parking. I would talk to either Joel Walinski or Katy Geller at the City about the fate of those spaces.


    August 9, 2007
  19. Jody Graff said:

    Tracy, I love the bike Rickshaw, that would be an excellant idea for Northfield. Just think, then all the business people could call ahead to the office and get their messages, make early morning phone calls all the while taking in the fresh air.

    My response to Christine Stanton: Snow tires!!!!
    Just kidding, sort of! Think about the bike pull behind trailers we have for our kids. They have a plastic cover that comes with them for when the weather is a coller out. I have seen parents bundle their children up and put a blanket in whith them and have the plastic shield on to protect them from the cold. It looks like it works great.

    August 9, 2007
  20. Ross Currier said:


    …and Brian Kenknight, owner of Fine Groove, rides his bike to work 52 weeks a year…


    August 9, 2007
  21. Jody Graff said:

    He’s such a nice man and what a great store. People should be going to him for all of their music needs. He has almost always been able to get me what I was looking for, and the price has always been right!

    August 9, 2007
  22. Ross Currier said:

    Yeah, in addition to being quicker and cheaper than on-line, your money is staying in the community.

    August 9, 2007
  23. Michelle Millenacker said:

    Regarding response # 14 by John; My office is in the Central Block Building and so I frequently park against the building/wall being discussed. I noticed the signs missing a couple weeks ago. It gets hectic outside Domino’s around dinner time and in the evening. I’ve seen the drivers pull into the handicap spots for varying amounts of time. While John is asking about the handicap signs missing outside the Domino’s business maybe he could also ask city staff if they can do anything about the Domino’s employees who sit out on the curb in front of the store smoking, and then throw their cigarette butts into the storm water drain by the curb…cause their going into the Cannon River…which is a whole different discussion.

    August 9, 2007
  24. Jody Graff said:

    I have had the same thoughts and concerns about the cigarette butts myself. During times of little rain, when they have not yet been flushed down into the river, there is probably about a foot deep of cigarette butts. Lets put a different spin on this. Lets say I took a 5 gallon bucket full on cigarette butts and walked out into the center of 4th and Division and just dumped it out on the street. Then said, don’t worry, next time it rains it will all wash into the river and all will be OK. What do you think would happen to me?

    August 9, 2007
  25. John Thomas said:

    Well, I speak with my wallet, and I don’t patronize Domino’s.

    Eat Local!

    I have complained to Domino’s managment on several fronts. They have been quite uncaring, on issues from food quality, to speeding, to cleanliness.

    I have found it best to no longer waste my breath, or my $$ on them. There are many local businesses that are much more receptive, and much more deserving of your business.

    August 9, 2007
  26. BruceWMorlan said:

    John T, you are in the wrong demographic to get the attention of Domino’s. Now, if we could get some of their clients to care, organize and present the power of their pocketbooks, we might see a change.

    August 10, 2007
  27. Josh Hinnenkamp said:

    Cut Domino’s some slack. Yeah, they smoke in front of the store and also throw their butts in the drain, but they also get paid $6 an hour so people like you all can criticize them. They deal with stupid drivers, deadlines, annoying customers, and many insults. Management isn’t likely to listen to complaints unless it effects the bottom line, which is how an international corporation works. Also, if you were a manager who got paid about $12/hour and worked in that environment, would you listen to complaints? Yes they speed, their pizza is inedible, and they were owned by a person who supported Operation Rescue. As expressed above – don’t eat there. Yes – eat local. But maybe if places that sold “eat local” could pay their employees a living wage…..Sounds like Dominos.

    August 13, 2007
  28. Ross Currier said:

    Hey Josh:

    Even underpaid and under-appreciated workers can put their butts in a can instead of in the gutter and thus the Cannon River.

    They can help set an example for the overpaid and over-praised corporate moguls.

    See you Downtown,


    August 13, 2007
  29. Mary Rossing said:

    Thought you would all like to know that Domino’s is locally owned by a business man who regularily donates generously of his time and resources to the community. A bit of care or research might be in order before anyone starts boycotting a local downtown business because of a few stray butts. Perhaps a better approach is a civil conversation and a bucket of sand.

    August 13, 2007
  30. victor summa said:

    Following the attack on Dominos, Mary R said:

    “A bit of care or research might be in order before anyone starts boycotting a local downtown business because of a few stray butts.”

    and Josh h said:

    “They deal with stupid drivers, deadlines, annoying customers, and many insults. ….. Yes they speed, their pizza is inedible, and they were owned by a person who supported Operation Rescue. As expressed above – don’t eat there. Yes – eat local. But maybe if places that sold “eat local” could pay their employees a living wage…..Sounds like Dominos.”

    Maybe the complaints should go directly to the “generous” owner who’s company delivers inedible pizza delivered by stupid drivers speeding all over town with unreasonable deadlines.

    does this sound insane?

    Ross was right:

    “Even underpaid and under-appreciated workers can put their butts in a can instead of in the gutter and thus the Cannon River.

    They can help set an example for the overpaid and over-praised corporate moguls.”

    and I’d add:

    Locally owned doesn’t guarantee value. Evidently it does guarantee cigarette butts all over and bad pizza. Get a life!

    August 13, 2007
  31. Jody Graff said:

    I just want to start by saying I have no intention of boycotting any establishment in town or directly insulting anyone. My issue is with littering, and believe me the above mentioned establishment has been ripped to shreds, but there are many establishments around town that are just as guilty. I shouldn’t have a made a comment that sigled one place out. I t just so happens that I walk by that specific location almost everyday. I know the owner of Dominos and mean him no disrespect.

    I would love to see more ash cans available for use. Would that be a City thing or an establishment resposibilty? This comment is directed at the City of Northfield as a whole.

    August 13, 2007
  32. John Thomas said:

    You may need to go back and re-read my post.

    I did not “attack” Dominos, or the owner. I simply stated that I have brought several issues to the attention of Domino’s management at the store level, on many occasions, on many issues, and have at no time gotten any resolve, or contact from the owner.
    After several attempts, I found that the cost-benefit analysis of pursuing the issues further was not worth investing further time that I could be spending with my family, or doing something else more meaningful.

    I should also state for the record, that I managed three different Domino’s restaurants for nearly five years in the mid eighties, reporting directly both to Domino’s corporate and the franchise owner. It is not easy to manage stores, and I agree about the minimum wage standards, but that is a completely different debate.

    The Dominos owner may be great in his charitable giving, and I am not questioning that. However, what I am questioning is some of the ways he allows his employees to run his business. The smoking out front, store cleanliness, driver appearance, speeding, food quality, etc. etc are all issues that both the store management and the owner are directly responsible for.

    The overall cleanliness of the store, the storefront, and the employees is a direct responsibility of the manager on duty. The store should be inspected upon close every night by the closing manager, and inspected again in the light of day by the ongoing day manager. You have staff that can make corrections between the lunch and dinner rushes, to ensure that maintenance and cleaning tasks are accomplished, while still managing your labor cost. There is no reason you should have cigarette butts, trash, and unclean windows, as well as employees looking as unkempt as they are. It used to be that there were standards that franchise owners are required to meet, or they lose their franchise rights for the area after repeated failed inspections. I can only assume that these inspections are taking place.

    I will state though, that I do wish that this Dominos was more responsive to customer issues, suggestions, and complaints than it has been in the past, especially when the issues are brought directly to the store management. In the many times that I have been to the store, I have never seen or met the owner.

    Also, I am not “boycotting” them; I just choose to spend my money elsewhere. It’s just that past experiences with this particular store, its drivers, and its management have made it all that much easier to do that. Because we are eating healthier, and our family is more about eating locally, we have made a conscious decision to patronize “small business” owners, and not franchise or chain restaurants.

    I hope that things get tightened up over there. A good observant manager should have seen these issues and corrected them. Good luck to them.

    My apologies to everyone for the tangent post.


    August 13, 2007
  33. john george said:

    Ross- Did you have any idea that, what appears to me to be an encouragement for people to ride their bicycles to work, could turn into a debate about mis-use of handi-cap parking stalls, mis-directed cigarette butts and boycotting businesses? Is this scientific or what? I love it!
    PS- It’s really too bad about that camera angle in your photo above!

    August 13, 2007
  34. Ross Currier said:

    John –

    I had no idea the discussion was going to span so many topics, but thanks for bringing it back to “Ride Your Bike to Work”…at least give it a try a day or two a week, especially if you live only 6 or 8 blocks from your office.

    As I’ve scientifically proven, you can do it while wearing a tie. I’m not willing to sport a kilt to conduct Tracy’s requested experiment. However, there must be at least one day a week that you can go to work without wearing a knotted tie or a tight skirt.

    Finally, have we made any progress in discovering the identity of the person who passed the Council documents to the News?

    Thanks much,


    August 14, 2007
  35. Jody Graff said:

    Definitely in bringing things back to riding your bike to work I think everyone would be in agreement that the kilt experiment is not necessary! 🙂

    August 14, 2007
  36. I am new to all this blog thing. Not new to the internet but find myself having to respond to a lot of miss information on this current thread. I know you wanted to get back to the main topic so I apologize for digressing.

    I am Mark Landsteiner owner of Domino’s Pizza. I moved to Nfld in 1985 and bought Domino’s Pizza at that time. I was 24 when I moved here so I am not a NHS grad. However 22 years of living in Nfld I consider this my home. Which makes Domino’s Pizza locally owned. In fact I think there is only 1 pizza place in town that have been around longer than I have owned Domino’s Pizza and that changed ownership a few years back albeit from parents to kids. Thus making me the longest locally owned Pizza shop in Northfield. That being said.

    John (#14) Handicap parking
    Fact is that there has always been just one (1) handicap parking spot. They moved it once then moved it back. The missing signs you refer to were 2 hour parking signs not handicap. This lot is a city lot and the signs were removed by a city employee. NOT by a local pizza shop in the middle of the night. In fact we would love to have the signs back as it was mentioned there is a shortage of parking in that area so when people park there all day our customers and employees have to walk further. We try to have our non drivers park up in the lot so the delivery people that come and go can park there as well as our carryout customers.

    Michelle (#23)
    Thanks for your comments. Trust me this is an ongoing battle over smoking and the cigarette butts. I have bought nice smoking urns only to have them removed or stolen. I try to get my employees to use at least a pail and sand. Over the last 22 years I have donated a lot of time and money to wet land conservation. I am fully aware of water quality. I also am more frustrated with the pollution my employee have done. I am printing this whole blog and posting in my store so they know that it is not just the boss that has these views about the cigarette butts. I do not have a place in the store for the employees to smoke as it is a restaurant. So unfortunately they have to smoke outside. I only own 6″ of property on the side of the building so no room there for them to smoke there. I wish I had a solution. However littering is in excusable. The battle comes and goes with employees and I appreciate the reminder.

    John (#25)
    I have never received a complaint from yourself and I do not believe we have ever met. I may not be overly involved in the community as I have tried to stay out of politics and religion. However I have been a member of many service groups over the last 22 years. I do not care for the public eye a whole lot however Wayne Eddie and Jeff Johnson have talked me into a couple of KYMN appearances. Not many even though I have a face for radio. I was an ambassador for the Chamber of Commerce for many years on found my picture in the Northfield News as well. If city council is where you take note; I have been there a few times as well. Add that to the over 2000 Nfld employees I have had over the years and you do not have to look far to find someone that knows me if you really wanted to talk to me.

    Josh (#27)
    Are you the Same Josh that used to work for me?
    Must not be or you would have know that I am not a international corporation. You had me on the comment that the owner supports Operation Rescue though. I had to look that up as I did not know what it was. If goggle is correct. You must be referring to abortion. My views on abortion are neither here nor there. I have never donated money to the cause one way or another. In fact I am real big on people being responsible for their own actions and choices. Like I said I am not a political person but I am guessing people would call me Pro choice. (Not sure if my terminology is correct) If you were a past employee you would also have know about the speeding policy which is 2 tickets in 2 years any more and you can not drive for me. Also if you get a speeding ticket on the job you are done.

    Victor (#30)
    Wow Victor I would have thought being we have chatted a few times over the years that if you had issues with me or my store you would have contacted this “Corporate mogul”. I first met you when I bought some used office furniture from you many years ago. Being I could not afford new at the time. You wished me luck. Over the years we have passed in general conversations. Maybe you don’t remember me. As far as stupid drivers go be careful. These are your friends and neighbors you are talking about. I have around 100 employees a year. Most are locals (@ 90%) with some college students. My 2 oldest boys both drove for me and I am guessing my 2 younger ones will too someday. I know of other local businessman that have delivered for me. With around 2000 NHS grads that have driven for me you just might be insulting your friends or their children. Oh and the unreasonable deadline!! The 30 min guarantee ended back in the 80’s. We train our employees to make a pizza in a min. Our ovens take 6 minutes to cook. Now grated when we are busy it may take them a few minutes to start a pizza or wait for a delivery driver to return from another run but by no means do our drivers need to speed to meet a deadline. Average age of our delivery people is around 20. The drivers that speed do not speed because they have a deadline. They speed because they are young and this is probably their first job.
    Then there is the uneatable pizza comment. I thought being I have this nice expensive computer I would look up the last time you ordered a pizza. You were not even in the computer as ever having a pizza delivered to your home. I know my data base only goes back a dozen years or so. We must have really served you a bad pizza when I first came to town that you have not ever tried us again. Look me up I will make you a pizza myself. On me. To try and win back your business.

    John (#32)
    Where were you a manager. I started in Domino’s Pizza 1979 while at Mankato State. I won many awards nationally in the eighties. Prompting me to know about 70% of the Franchisees in the country as well as knowing about the same amount of managers in the state at that time. I would love to chat about the old days. I may have the name Domino’s Pizza hanging out front but I am still a small business.

    I really do apologize for the lengthy post. I hope that I cleared some things up with out stepping on any toes but I probably did. I will end it there as I am heading out to buy another pail and sand.


    August 16, 2007
  37. Griff Wigley said:

    I thought I commented on this earlier this this evening but I don’t see it so I’ll try again.

    Mark, thanks much for your detailed comments. It really helps to have you direct them to each person by name, and with civility, too.

    People should feel free to respond to Mark’s comments, as a discussion thread like this can handle more than one topic. Others can continue discussing Ross’ tie and related issues.

    August 16, 2007
  38. Mr. Landsteiner already corrected much of the misinformation on this topic, but we would just like to make it clear that the two parking spots in question are not, and never were handicapped parking spaces. The signs that used to be there (they were taken down by a city employee over a year ago) were two hour parking signs. The spot closest to the street is in fact a handicapped parking space and the sign is still there.

    The cigarette butt situation stems from the fact that we’ve had several sand buckets/cans that have been stolen and/or thrown about over the years, always by intoxicated passers-by, late at night. We will work on a solution for the elimination of butts being thrown into the storm drain.

    We will continue to do our best to serve our customers. If someone does not wish to patronize Domino’s, that’s their choice. But let’s get one thing straight: We do not appreciate being called stupid, or being told to get a life. We are working college students, college graduates, neighbors, friends and relatives…many of us working more than one job to earn a living, and we work very hard in the often hectic environment food service can generate (especially a pizza place in a college town).

    On track with the original topic: Some of us who don’t have to deliver pizza often ride our bikes to work. Neat.

    August 16, 2007
  39. john george said:

    Just an observation on Mark’s excellent response, I have heard it said that the only problem with getting on a high horse is that it is a long way to fall. He certainly is not going to fall anywhere! Mark certainly demonstrates a level-headed style of communication, one which, I feel, could be expanded in our present day society. Is it any wonder he has been in business successfully for over 20 years? I wish I wasn’t diabetic and lactose intolerant. I love your pizza. It just isn’t worth the upset to my old systems to eat it anymore. Keep up the good work! You are a great example to the community!
    Now, back to that tie…”The answer, my friend, is blown in the wind…” Sorry, Ross, I just couldn’t resist that one!

    August 16, 2007
  40. Griff Wigley said:

    Thanks, Domino’s staff. Glad to have you following along and I’m pleased you’re treating the issues seriously.

    I can understand your objections to the content and tone of some of the remarks. I should have stepped in earlier to moderate those because you all do work and live in the area and we try to run our discussion areas here on Locally Grown so that any local citizen is encouraged to participate. My apologies.

    If the discussion continues and you want to keep participating, please sign on an individuals with your first and last names, like Mark did.

    August 16, 2007
  41. Anne Bretts said:

    Bravo to Mark and his employees…My husband used to work in an office right next to Domino’s and had nothing but good things to say about all of you. He did lose quite a few pounds after he left there, but he kept the kind thoughts.
    Congratulations on maintaining your business so long. That’s an amazing accomplishment in such a tough industry.
    You rightly point out one of the drawbacks of this site. People need to remember that we all are friends and neighbors and customers of each other. It’s fine to disagree on a topic, but we should focus on the topic and on solutions. And we shouldn’t write anything we wouldn’t say to each other over the dinner table in our home.
    And John, I knew it wouldn’t take long before you brought out the bad jokes. (And on this one, you all just have to trust me, this isn’t an attack, it’s the truth.:-)

    August 16, 2007
  42. john george said:

    Anne- I thought you might appreciate that one. I didn’t want you to suffer any withdrawal in our absence of contact with each other.

    August 17, 2007
  43. victor summa said:


    Perhaps I was too quick on the trigger – or my response, too non specific.

    You gave me credit (held me responsible) for a few quotes I used of other’s remarks.

    In fact, In my post I quoted Josh who said:

    “They deal with stupid drivers, deadlines, annoying customers, and many insults. ….. Yes they speed, their pizza is inedible, and they were owned by a person who supported Operation Rescue. As expressed above – don’t eat there. Yes – eat local. But maybe if places that sold “eat local” could pay their employees a living wage….. Sounds like Dominos.”

    Actually what I said in my post was: Does this sound insane?

    That in response to Josh – who’s remarks I thought were extreme but taken at face value, credited him with more accurate knowledge about your operation than I… for as you point out I have never purchased any Domino product… and he may have been in your employ at one time in the past.

    I have eaten Dominos – and frankly it’s not my favorite… but did not put that in my comment nor have I said it, ever before publicly. Your data banks are impressive!

    FYI I’m also not a big fan of most restaurant food available in town – I sincerely believe the food situation in Northfield, with a few exceptions, is deplorable. Not that most aren’t good it is that few offer the real opportunity to eat out with a flair. And I think I understand why. Another thread? So, not to criticize but more to lament the reality.

    Perhaps Dominos represents the least concern there, because I don’t feel your product is offered as great cuisine – but gives, lots-a-food-for-not-lots-a-money… and the kid’s eat it up… literally!

    You have a niche… and that’s fine. Just not my choice.

    As to our past… I do not recall any furniture deal – but perhaps there was one. Also, I don’t recall you by name – but perhaps we’ve spoken and I’m spacing on the connection. Let’s make a point of re-meeting just to clear the air.

    I say this not with spite or malice… just by way of expressing a lot of disconnection with your response to my comments in LG #30… and do express support of some of the less personal criticisms offered here on LG regarding Dominos. Incidentally there are many abuses of the cigarette butt on the sidewalk situation here – and far to few proprietors who take responsibility for cleaning the mess.

    What does bother me is the corporate goals of big businesses that spend millions advertising a product with misleading beautiful pictures— oozing cheese slathered with colorful sauces, eaten by adorable kids, but otherwise mediocre in quality. That’s the fast food way and that’s fast becoming the business process for so many other big chains… chains like Dominos which employ a lot of people with few if any benefits and at low wages. Our society can not thrive on that business plan.

    You also give me credit for the corporate mogul. remark. In fact, that was from Ross’ who said –

    “Even underpaid and under-appreciated workers can put their butts in a can instead of in the gutter and thus the Cannon River.

    They can help set an example for the overpaid and overpraised corporate moguls.”

    But, I do agree with him – and by way of clarification, reiterate here that big Corporate business is not my favorite choice for downtown Northfield.

    As to your remark:

    ” Wow Victor I would have thought being we have chatted a few times over the years that if you had issues with me or my store you would have contacted this “Corporate mogul”.

    Be assured, I do not have any knowledge of knowing or ever speaking with the owner – a manager – or an employee of the Northfield Dominos or in fact, any Dominos, anywhere.

    My further response is that I don’t have issues with you and apologize if there seemed to be some imbedded in my comment… and only indirectly do I have issues with Dominos – but, while you do not need help in mounting any defense … I did refer to the entire thread as: “THE ATTACK ON DOMINOS – thus while I may not prefer Dominos’ pizza – I did not feel all the comments on Locally Grown were appropriate.

    What I do harbor about the local Dominos is a sense that your delivery vehicles are wildly driven… too frequently by over zealous young men – and I’d say the same for other pizza houses who delivers up my way, along St. Olaf Avenue. So when you say: “careful… These are your friends and neighbors you are talking about.” You may be right… but that doesn’t mitigate the aggressive driving… or much of the character of the business remarks made by other contributors to this thread.

    So full disclosure:

    1 ) I’m not a fan of Domino Pizza – but I don’t broadcast that.

    2 ) I have not purchased Domino pizza – and what pizza I do eat locally is in a sit down establishment – but… far prefer gourmet pizza from little cafes in the cities such as Toast in the Minneapolis Warehouse District.

    3 ) Like movies… I’ll go a long way for pizza. Incidentally, I tell a lot of Northfield folks about my favorite movie and my favorite pizza… and, had a dynamite pizza in a Cuban Restaurant in Coral Gables Fl last year. Fantastic mojitos too!

    4) you might say I’m hard to please.

    And I’ll thrown in,

    5 ) The demeanor of your employees as to cigarette butts and their driving, evidently leave much to be desired… to which I think you agreed… hence my closing comment way back there in the thread…

    ” Locally owned doesn’t guarantee value. Evidently it does guarantee cigarette butts all over and bad pizza. Get a life! ”

    That is mine… and the “Get a life” remark probably comes from what I’d call a sub-par product, plus all the bad stuff that was commented on earlier – with which unfortunately I tend to agree…

    Then, I added

    Maybe the complaints should go directly to the “generous” owner………

    And, you have fielded them admirably.

    I preferred not to respond on line as I certainly don’t want to get into any tit-for-tat and would have responded in private had the “usual voices not taken the opportunity to comment about falls from high horses etc.

    I fully understand your desire to respond on line as you did – and as I said, it was done admirably.

    Like Greek? Try the Gardens of Solonica, Fourth Street NE Minneapolis

    Victor Summa

    August 17, 2007
  44. David Ludescher said:

    Hmm.. I wonder how much the Gardens of Solonica and Toast pay in local property taxes, or contribute to local charities.

    August 17, 2007
  45. I thought I posted this last week, but in reply to #13 and #16,
    I hope the rickshaw will be powered by a robot!


    August 18, 2007
  46. kiffi summa said:

    RE: David # 44 – sorry Curt , we’re back to the Butts and Pizza — sort of.

    So David… Aren’t we getting pretty petty.

    I assume you’re subtly spanking me for recommending non local business to frequent e.g. Toast and the Gardens… As to the taxes they pay locally and the contributions they make to Northfield Charities… the actual figure slips my mind — I’m sure I did have it…

    Oh well… I’m confident it equals the amounts your haberdasher pays and contributes for those suits and ties you buy to wear when NOT biking to the office.

    Just what N’fld Men’s Store might that be? June Bug?

    Don’t recall seeing you ANYWHERE recently. Next time you dine in town give me a call and maybe I’ll join you. Oh, I know… Duh! I don’t go to Applebees or the Hot Dog stand at Target.

    August 18, 2007
  47. victor summa said:

    Oops # 48 to David L was from Victor VICTOR — Not Kiffi – My error.

    Surely spousal one is not asking to dine w/DL. No matter how he’s dressed.

    Reading the other threads, I’m also thinkin ‘there might be some poison dropped in the soup at such an outing!

    August 18, 2007

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