Mud discovered under Bridge Square


  1. Tim said:

    Just by the looks of it, they appear to be installing an irrigation system.

    July 8, 2011
  2. john george said:

    Griff- Looks like a broken pipe, to me. Or, it could just be evidence of what is going on with the EDA? Or, Rejoice!’s project? Or, the state budget talks? All kinds of possibilities! 😉

    July 8, 2011
  3. Griff Wigley said:

    I got this email from TJ Heinricy, City of Northfield Street & Park Supervisor:

    After the Fall flood the City had to replace all electric equipment that were affected by the flood.

    So that being said the mud you saw on Bridge Square is from a new electric conduit that was installed to connect two new electric cabinets that are going to be installed on Bridge Square. One upper and one lower square.

    There will also be a new electric transformer to be installed on Bridge Square.

    The two locations for this equipment is near the popcorn wagon area and near the existing electric box on lower Bridge Square.

    This project was funded by FEMA.

    The existing electric service is under the steps near Carlson Investments.

    FEMA agreed the electric service under the steps needed to be replaced and they would fund that and also fund the moving the electric service if the issue would be mitigated.

    It will be once it is moved.

    There probably is concerns about new power boxes on Bridge Square, but there will be landscaping around the electric equipment to make them let obtrusive.

    July 8, 2011

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