Our studio guest today was Hilary Ziols, Outreach and Development Coordinator, Cannon River Watershed Partnership.
Ross and Tracy abandoned me so I enlisted KYMN station manager Jeff Johnson to fill in for them. He was marginally adequate. We each made a faux paux when using the organization’s name. He said “Cannon Valley Watershed Partnership.” Later, I said “Cannon River Watershed Project.” Hilary cringed but she got over it.
We talked storm water management, pollution from city homeowners’ lawns vs farms, and whether or not the Ames Mill should be removed.
Click play to listen. 30 minutes.
Our show, Locally Grown, airs Wednesdays live at 5:30 PM on KYMN 1080 AM. You can also subscribe to the podcast feed, or subscribe with iTunes. We seek your comments and suggestions
Well, I do have to disagree with Hilary on some of her points. The Ames Mill is only 130 some odd years old and when you look at some real historic buildings (around the country) they can live to be 400 or 500 years old and beyond. I am not saying that the Ames Mill is going to last 400 or 500 years, but the mill is still being used and I think the Ames Mill is in really good shape and will be around for a long time and Malt-O-Meal should be applauded for the shape the mill is in now. It probably has another 130 years to go at least.
Like I said before, I would like to see a report that states the river would be drastically improved by removing the dam and rapids being put there or something else.
The major reason why most of the fish are gone in the river is because of the dumping of waste in the river many years ago. However, the fish are coming back because I have seen people pull bass and other good game fish out of the river.
I understand that something needs to be done, but isn’t there a way to help the river and keep the dam around?
I had a dream last night that Christine’s shop offered a portage
service, so that canoers could call and tell the shop that they would be stopping by the next day, and then have a dedicated phone on the shore, with a big sign, or have waterproof cell phones, and call in to be picked up by local volunteers with pick up trucks who could haul the canoe or kayak and a couple of people to the next available launch site, say from 7th street park to somewhere on the north side of the dam…instead of taking down the dam.
Either that or just take down the middle third of the dam, and add buffers to the passageway, preferably big orange ones, and that would also add some whitewater. If that’s not possible, how about one half dam and one half river stream? Don’t blame me, it was a long dream.
Bright- That wasn’t a dream. It was a nightmare! See my post on the Ames Mill Damsite blog.
Hey anybody that knows anything about pollution in the cannon i’m doing a highschool writing project for a cause and effect essay on the cannon river watershed partnership. anyone have any good info?
Hi Erika,
There are lots of knowledgeable folks around about the river and CRWP. But it’s best if you post what you’ve learned so far and then ask specific questions.
FYI, Representative Journalism (RepJ) reporter Bonnie Obremski has been looking into this so you might want to contact her, too:
We’ve done a couple of posts about the Cannon River on LoGro, with links to other resources. You might want to check out my post entitled Cannon River Pollution Control and also the post about the Cannon River Watership Partnership’s grant.
Good luck with your project!